


I'm in no way a professional programmer so, pls don't expect a sophisticated approach or language here. I'll however appreciate your advice and recommendations to materialize an algorithm which, at a later stage, I could programmatically add to my project... Here is the problem:

想象空间中的任意点(X 点)具有以下属性:

Imagine an arbitrary point (Point X) in space with the following properties:

  • 有坐标
  • 位于二维表面
  • 是静止的
  • 在任何给定时间都属于单个区域(其边界坐标也是已知的).也就是说,它是其父"元素的唯一子".再说一次,如果它不在一个区域内,它肯定会在另一个区域内!


An area is NOT a simple square, quadrangle, or a circle but instead is an irregular shape.

现在,我的问题是:我如何确定:(i) 如果 X 点位于该特定区域内而不是相邻区域内;(ii) 该点属于哪个特定区域(在一组区域 A、B 或 C 中)?!?查看链接图像以更好地可视化问题:

Now, my question is: How can I determine:(i) if Point X lies inside that particular area and NOT the adjacent one;(ii) which specific area (among a set of areas A, B, or C) the point belongs to?!? See the linked image to better visualize the problem:

PS:我仔细研究了处理多边形中的点问题的可能性(特别是,光线投射算法"听起来很聪明!)但它似乎不是一个解决方案,因为(i)区域可能彼此相邻;(ii) 我需要确定一个点所属的区域多于它位于它的内部/外部.

PS: I perused a possibility of dealing with Point in Polygon problem (especially, the "ray casting algorithm" sounds quite smart!) but it doesn't seem to be a solution since (i) areas may be adjacent to each other; (ii) I need to determine the area a point belongs to more than it lies inside/outside of it.


Thank you very much in advance!!!



  1. 一个函数将一个面积数组和一个点作为参数.

  1. A function is taking as parametres an array of areas and a point.


Make a cycle - check ALL your areas and for every one


check by the ray casting algorythm if the point belongs there.



If yes, finish the function returning the number of the current area.


If you are out of areas, return -1.


Of course, you can improve the algorythm, taking into account the common borders, not repeating the counting of angles for them, but such algorythms are obviously out of your possiblilities now. And even a good programmer will start by something easy, but working.


08-06 14:11