Very simple question here which i could not find the answer for reading the docs (below is an excerpt):
import pandas_datareader.data as web # pandas 0.19.x and later
import datetime
start = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 27)
gdp = web.DataReader("GDP", "fred", start, end)
Note that if you have an older version of pandas you should instead do thefollowing import:
import pandas.io.data as web # pandas 0.18.x and earlier
So my question is ... where can one find a list of the acceptable parameters (like GDP), and what they correspond to? Even GDP has many different flavors - and FRED lists BEA Account Code's to clarify so I'm not sure how these are reconciled.
Like @Solaxun I couldn't find a good way to search for the relevant codes other than going to FRED. For example, I clicked around to get the percentage change in GDP here:
您可以在URL A191RL1Q225SBEA
And you can take that code at the end of the URL A191RL1Q225SBEA
and plug it in to get the series like this:
gdp_pct_change = web.DataReader("A191RL1Q225SBEA", "fred", start, end)
Here are some other codes for convenience and to give you a sense the breadth of data you can get there. Note that for many series like GDP there are many variants (seasonally vs not seasonally adjusted, real vs nominal, etc.) so there often is no substitute for just going directly to FRED and reading the exact descriptions.
- 实际国内生产总值(A191RL1Q225SBEA)-百分比变化
- 实际国内生产总值(GDPC1)-美元
- 联邦债务:公共债务总额占国内生产总值的百分比(GFDEGDQ188S)
- 所有城市消费者的消费者价格指数:所有项目(CPIAUCSL)
Employment related stats:
- 平民失业率(UNRATE)
- 所有员工:非农工资总额(PAYEMS)
- 初始索赔的4周移动平均值(IC4WSA)
- 10年期国库债券固定利率(DGS10)
- 有效联邦基金利率(FEDFUNDS)
- 3个月伦敦银行同业拆放利率(LIBOR),基于美元(USD3MTD156N)
- 标准普尔500(SP500)
- 日经平均股票指数,日经225(NIKKEI225)
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