


 可变项= ["a","b","c"]items = items.reversed() 


ReversedRandomAccessCollection< Array< Element>>




在Swift 3中,数组的3个reversed()重载.

  1. 将数组作为RandomAccessCollection处理,

    默认情况下, reversed()选择RandomAccessCollection的重载并返回ReversedRandomAccessCollection.但是,当你写

      items = items.reversed() 

    您正在强迫RHS返回可转换为LHS的类型( [String] ).因此,只会选择返回数组的第三个重载.


    代替 items = items.reversed(),它创建数组的副本,将其反转并复制回去,您可以使用变异函数 items.reverse() ,可进行原位恢复而不复制阵列两次.

    I'm wondering about the reversed() method on a swift Array:

    var items = ["a", "b", "c"]
    items = items.reversed()

    the signature of the reversed method from the Apple doc says that it returns a


    could that be assigned back to items without doing what the apple doc say which is

    or would it give problem in the future? (since the compiler doesn't complain)


    There are 3 overloads of reversed() for an Array in Swift 3:

    1. Treating the Array as a RandomAccessCollection,
      func reversed() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<Self> (O(1))
    2. Treating the Array as a BidirectionalCollection,
      func reversed() -> ReversedCollection<Self> (O(1))
    3. Treating the Array as a Sequence,
      func reversed() -> [Self.Iterator.Element] (O(n))

    By default, reversed() pick the RandomAccessCollection's overload and return a ReversedRandomAccessCollection. However, when you write

    items = items.reversed()

    you are forcing the RHS to return a type convertible to the LHS ([String]). Thus, only the 3rd overload that returns an array will be chosen.

    That overload will copy the whole sequence (thus O(n)), so there is no problem overwriting the original array.

    Instead of items = items.reversed(), which creates a copy of the array, reverse that and copy it back, you could reach the same effect using the mutating function items.reverse(), which does the reversion in-place without copying the array twice.


10-10 13:21