


Where can I get good tutorial on Entity framework with Stored Procedure in MVC framework?


Is it better to use Enterprise library in this case when I have almost everything written in the stored procedure.


Note: I am using stored procedure because they are really very complex and some of them is over 1000 lines.



MVC is in this case absolutely not related. The way how you call stored procedure from EF will be still the same. I guess you want to use stored procedures without actually using entities and linq-to-entities (main EF features), don't you? Generally you need:

  • 你来自哪里,数据库运行更新,并添加您要使用的所有存储过程EDMX文件(ado.net实体数据模型)。 EDMX文件也产生衍生的ObjectContext ,默认情况下所有实体。

  • 接下来你必须去。功能导入将创建方法派生的ObjectContext 这将允许您调用存储过程与任何其他.NET方法。

  • 在功能导入你必须创建复杂的类型从存储过程返回的结果集(它可以自动发生)。

  • EDMX file (ado.net entity data model) where you run update from database and add all stored procedures you want to use. EDMX file also generates derived ObjectContext and all entities by default.
  • Next you must go to Model Browser and create Function import for each procedure. Function import will create method on the derived ObjectContext which will allow you call the stored procedure as any other .net method.
  • During function import you will have to create complex type (it can happen automatically) for result set returned from stored procedure.


  • Entity framework doesn't like stored procedures which returns dynamic result sets (based on some condition result set has different columns)
  • Entity framework doesn't support stored procedures returning multiple result sets - there are EFExtensions which does but it is more like doing ADO.NET directly.


09-16 00:44