本文介绍了C#的嘲弄框架 - 简单,内容丰富异常的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



So far I've been using NUnit.Mocks to isolate my classes but I am getting annoyed by the lack of feedback it gives me. So I've been looking around for alternatives but getting nowhere.


Rhino Mocks: Can't figure it out. Everything has to be done in a totally different obscure manner making the test code practically unreadable.



From what I've gathered these seem to be among the most popular ones. Before I go and try every single one out there I'd like to ask you folks for suggestions...

  • 设计简单。我不想记住100种不同的报表,哪一个取决于我的方法是否有返回值的,我的财产是否具有两个getter和setter或只是其中的一个使用,无论它是一个满月与否等...
  • 精品反馈。如果我的测试失败,我想知道什么方法调用缺失或过多。我想知道哪些调用了错误的参数。等等...
  • Simple design. I don't want to memorize 100 different statements and which one to use depending on whether my method has a return value or not, whether my property has both getters and setters or just one of them, whether it's a full moon or not, etc...
  • Elaborate feedback. If my test fails I want to know what method call was missing or too much. I want to know which call had the wrong arguments. Etc...


My background is C# 2.0. I'm still pretty UN-familiar with the concepts in newer .NET versions. So a framework that doesn't require those things would be a bonus.



I finally figured out why my Moq tests didn't work. It had nothing to do with Moq and I am now evaluating it further. Looks very good so far...


我用的起订量和I preFER实施,而不是其他一些嘲讽框架的重播方法 - 我发现它更自然

I use Moq and I prefer the implementation rather than the Replay method of some other mocking frameworks - I found it more natural.


What problem are you having with Properties? To mock returning a value from a property it is just

mock.Setup(foo => foo.Name).Returns("bar")



Moq has a fluent interface and the code can be expressive and quite beautiful really. For example:

  1. 注射嘲笑为对象

  1. Injecting mocks into object

mockView = new Mock<IView>();
mockModel = new Mock<IModel>();
realPresenter = new Presenter(mockView.Object, mockModel.Object);

  • 测试presenter行为反应查看事件

  • Testing behavior of Presenterreacting to View event

    mockView.Raise(v => v.SomeEvent += null, EventArgs.Empty);
    mockModel.Verify(m => m.DoSomething());

  • 精品反馈


    I find the failure feedback very useful and I can usually find the problem very quickly. Say you expect a method with certain parameter value to be called and it fails.

    测试MyProject.MyTest'失败:    Moq.MockException:  预计调用的模拟至少一次,但从未进行:v  =>> v.DoSomething(东西)>没有配置设置。

    执行的调用: View.DoSomething(SomethingElse)    在  Moq.Mock.ThrowVerifyException(MethodCall  预计,IEnumerable的 1的设置,  的IEnumerable 1 actualCalls,防爆pression  EX pression,倍,的Int32  callCount)在  Moq.Mock.VerifyCalls(拦截器  targetInterceptor,MethodCall  预计,防爆pression EX pression,时代  次)在Moq.Mock.Verify [T](模拟  模拟,防爆pression 1 EX pression,时代  次,串failMessage)在  Moq.Mock 1.Verify(出pression`1  EX pression)MyTest.cs(118,0):

    Performed invocations: View.DoSomething("SomethingElse") at Moq.Mock.ThrowVerifyException(MethodCall expected, IEnumerable1 setups, IEnumerable1 actualCalls, Expression expression, Times times, Int32 callCount) at Moq.Mock.VerifyCalls(Interceptor targetInterceptor, MethodCall expected, Expression expression, Times times) at Moq.Mock.Verify[T](Mock mock, Expression1 expression, Times times, String failMessage) at Moq.Mock1.Verify(Expression`1 expression) MyTest.cs(118,0):


    The Moq Quickstart is very well put together and has been the only reference I have needed so far.

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    10-18 19:48