

我有客户端 - 服务器系统。它们通过RMI进行通信,因此涉及序列化/反序列化。服务器根据请求向客户端发送响应。如果发生异常,它会在响应中设置。

I have client-server system. They communicate via RMI, so serialization/deserialization is involved. Server sends a response to client upon a request. If exception occurs it is set in the response.


However, if some exception occurs at the server and the client does not know about it. So I need to wrap the original exception but to keep the stacktrace for debug purposes. Is there more elegant solution?

//response from server to client
class Response {
    private MyException e;

    public void set(MyException e) {
       this.e = e;

//some other code
catch (MyException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
   //could be exception which does not exist at client
   //so I can not just set because it would cause ClassNotFoundException at client
   response.set(new MyException(e.getMessage() + ": " + e.getStackTrace()));   

似乎API只支持设置 code>这是我不能因为上面提到的问题。我们可以设置一个stacktrace从另一个异常,而不设置原因?

It seems that API supports only setting cause which I cannot because of the problem abovementioned. Can I set a stacktrace from another exception without setting cause?



You might consider the method setStackTrace(), for example:

Throwable originalException = ...;
Throwable clientException = ...;


The stacktrace elements themselves appear to consist of strings only, so this should not present a problem for the client which does not know about special server classes.


09-17 19:14