本文介绍了帮助改进脚本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我需要脚本自动为用户获取计算机名称,并且还包含格式化在消息正文中的以下行: 问题 ======== 用户 陈述 问题 computer 或 issue 必需 信息 ====================== 计算机 名称: 前 fill 来自 script 操作 IP 地址: 前 填充 来自 script actions Mac 地址: 前 填充 来自 script actions Computer 域: 前 填充 来自 script actions 这样一旦用户执行脚本,它将开发一个包含有用信息的电子邮件票据到帮助台组织框。 [CmdletBinding()] param($ computername =(Read-Host 输入计算机名), $ subject = ' ###入境机票###', $ to = ' [email protected]' , $ bcc = ' ', $ body = $ Collection, #$ body =(Get-Content -path c:\ powershell \serialnumber \SerialNumber.csv), #$ mail = mailto:$ to& subject = $ subject& body = $ body, [string] $ ErrorLog = ' c:\ powershell\useful\\ \\ errorlog\retry.txt', [转] $ LogErrors ) [数组] $ Collection = foreach($ computer in $ computername) { $ os = Get-WmiObject` Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $ computer $ model = Get-WmiObject` Win32_ComputerSystem -computer $ computer $ body = New-Object - TypeName PSObject -Property @ { Computername = $ computer ; LoggedIn = $ Model.username; OSVersion = $ os.Caption; Model = $ Model.Model; } |格式列表| Out-String #$ obj | convertTo-csv | out-string #$ obj = $ body #$ Collection = [string] $ body #[String] $ Collection [string] $ body Start-Process -FilePath mailto:$ to& bcc = $ bcc& subject = $ subject& body = $ body } $ Collection 解决方案 computername =(Read-Host 输入计算机名), subject = ' ###入境票证###', to = ' [email protected]', I need the script to get the computer name automatically for the user, and also incorporate the following lines formatted in the body of the message:PROBLEM========User stated problem with computer or issueREQUIRED INFORMATION======================Computer Name: Pre fill from script actionsIP Address: Pre fill from script actionsMac Address: Pre fill from script actionsComputer Domain: Pre fill from script actionsThis way once the user executes the script it will develop an email ticket with useful information to send to the Helpdesk organizational box. [CmdletBinding()]param ($computername = (Read-Host "Enter Computer Name"), $subject = '### Inbound Ticket ###', $to = '[email protected]', $bcc = '', $body = $Collection, #$body = (Get-Content -path "c:\powershell\serialnumber\SerialNumber.csv"), #$mail = "mailto:$to&subject=$subject&body=$body", [string]$ErrorLog = 'c:\powershell\useful\errorlog\retry.txt', [switch]$LogErrors ) [Array]$Collection = foreach($computer in $computername) { $os = Get-WmiObject ` Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $computer $model = Get-WmiObject ` Win32_ComputerSystem -computer $computer $body = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Computername = $computer; LoggedIn = $Model.username; OSVersion = $os.Caption; Model = $Model.Model; } | format-list | Out-String #$obj | convertTo-csv | out-string #$obj = $body #$Collection = [string]$body #[String]$Collection [string]$body Start-Process -FilePath "mailto:$to&bcc=$bcc&subject=$subject&body=$body"}$Collection 解决方案 computername = (Read-Host "Enter Computer Name"), subject = '### Inbound Ticket ###', to = '[email protected]', 这篇关于帮助改进脚本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-13 19:18