After installing ReSharper I've noticed a problem with the IntelliSense;
在图像中清晰可见,Visual Studio的IntelliSense显示在ReSharper之一上(顺便说一句,它具有焦点,因此使用箭头键将移动以下完成列表的突出显示部分).我试图做几件事而没有任何结果(始终使用VS重新启动):
In the image it is clearly visible that the IntelliSense of Visual Studio is displayed over the one of ReSharper (which by the way has the focus, so using the arrow keys will move the highlight section of the completion list below).I've tried to do several things without any result (always with VS restart):
- 从ReSharper IntelliSense切换到VS(来回)
- 将ReSharper IntelliSense限制为某些选定的语言(例如C#)
- 完全禁用VS IntelliSense(工具|选项|文本编辑器|所有语言"和工具|选项|文本编辑器| C#| IntelliSense")
- 调整ReSharper的完成列表大小
- 重新应用键盘快捷键(Visual Studio)
- 重置VS并修复ReSharper安装
- 重新安装ReSharper
- 清除所有临时文件夹
None of them helped me fix this issue which results in a particular annoying problem while trying to write anything.
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013版本12.0.30110.00更新1
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 Version 12.0.30110.00 Update 1
这与Viasfora扩展程序的纯文本完成"功能冲突.通过检测何时安装ReSharper已在源代码中对其进行了修复: https://github.com/tomasr/viasfora /issues/51 我想应该很快会在新版本中修复.
This is a conflict with the "plain text completion" feature of the Viasfora extension. It's been fixed in source by detecting when ReSharper is installed: https://github.com/tomasr/viasfora/issues/51 Should be fixed in a new release soon, I guess.
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