



select m.wagerefcode v,empname e,recorddate d,sum(finalamount) a,
(select isnull(vch_no,'') from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M_EXP where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BMCM,
(select Convert(varchar,vch_Date,106) from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M_EXP where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BMCMDate,
(select isnull(vch_no,'') from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BPCP,
(select Convert(varchar,vch_Date,106) from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BPCPDate
 from pr_dailywages_m m,pr_dailywages_d d,employee_m emp where emp.empid=m.empid and d.wagerefcode=m.wagerefcode and m.mainlocid in (2,11)
 and recorddate between '1/Sep/201' and '03/Oct/2013'  and m.cmp_id = 'SZS' Group by EmpName, m.WageRefCode,recorddate order by recorddate


(select isnull(vch_no,'') from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M_EXP where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BMCM,
(select Convert(varchar,vch_Date,106) from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M_EXP where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BMCMDate,

(select isnull(vch_no,'') from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BPCP,
(select Convert(varchar,vch_Date,106) from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BPCPDate


it should be something like this

(select TOP(1)isnull(vch_no,'') from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M_EXP where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BMCM,

(select TOP(1)Convert(varchar,vch_Date,106) from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M_EXP where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BMCMDate,

(select TOP(1)isnull(vch_no,'') from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BPCP,

(select TOP(1)Convert(varchar,vch_Date,106) from ERP1314..SH_VCH_M where PN_VOUCHER = M.WageRefCode) as BPCPDate


06-14 01:48