本文介绍了extjs - 表单中嵌入的对象/名称的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前使用多个对象使用 setValues()来填充extjs表单的部分。例如:

I currently use multiple objects to populate parts of a extjs form using setValues(). Ex:

someForm.getForm().setValues({prop1: foo}); 

有没有办法我可以命名我的表单元素 object1.prop1 object2.prop2 ect。所以我可以做单个 someForm.getForm()。setValues({object1:object1,object2:object2,...})?即嵌入的对象将被解析出来。

Is there a way I could name the elements of my form object1.prop1, object2.prop2 ect. so that I could do single someForm.getForm().setValues({object1: object1, object2: object2, ...})? i.e. the embedded objects would be parsed out.

此外,是否有一种方法可以在 POST 之前截取上传内容( object1.prop1 object1.prop2 ... ) - > object1:{prop1:*,prop2:*,...}

Additionally, is there a way to intercept the upload before the POST to map (object1.prop1, object1.prop2, ...) --> object1: {prop1: *, prop2: *, ...} ?

这将使得它比做一些像映射 object1.prop1 - > object1_prop1 - > object1.prop1

This would make it much easier than having to do something like mapping object1.prop1 --> object1_prop1 -> object1.prop1




Yes, you can do so but the way is different than the one you have specified in question.There would be two scenarios :


1) You have a form(suppose modify), and you make a request to server to get the data.What you can do is create a model with assigned name to the form fields. And assign the model to form with values from server. See below e.g.

// define StudentModel with fields firstName, lastName, address, and so on....
// form with fields, please have field attribute 'name' with values defined in model
// e.g. {xtype : 'textfield', name: 'firstName'}, {xtype : 'textfield', name: 'lastName'}, and so on
var form = this.getForm();
form.reader = Ext.create('Ext.data.reader.Json',{ // Use XML reader if you are using XML response.
    success: '@success',
    model: 'StudentModel'

form.load({ // load method will load data automatically from server to form fields
    url: '/getStudentData',
        studentId: 24


2) Other scenario is you have data available locally(suppose in array or variables) and you want to assign that data to form,Create a record with StudentModel as below, and assign record to form :

var record = Ext.create('StudentModel', {
    firstName: 'Nandkumar',
    lastName: 'Tekale',
    address: 'RH 26, some street, city'

form.loadRecord(record); // You are done, all values to form are assigned.

这篇关于extjs - 表单中嵌入的对象/名称的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-22 17:56