I've tried a few different solutions I've found with no luck. The table I'm giving is an example that follows a similar design and function to the one I'm actually working with:
PK | Color | Count
1 Blue 4
2 Cyan 6
3 Forest 3
4 Green 2
5 Indigo 5
6 Navy 12
7 Pink 8
8 Purple 7
9 Red 9
10 Violet 1
在这种情况下,我想将其分解为颜色组并列出总和.例如,Blues"组将包含 Blue、Cyan、Indigo 和 Navy,计数为 27.Purples"将为 8(紫色/紫罗兰色),Greens"将为 5(森林/绿色)和以此类推.
In this case, I want to break this up into color groups and list the sum. For example, the group "Blues" would contain Blue, Cyan, Indigo, and Navy and would be a count of 27. "Purples" would be 8 (Purple/Violet), "Greens" would be 5 (Forest/Green) and so on.
Given the information at hand, how would you do this?
select sum(case when color in ('Blue','Cyan','Indigo','Navy') then Count end) as Blues_count,
sum(case when color in ('Purple','Violet') then Count end) as Purples_count,
sum(case when color in ('Forest','Green') then Count end) as Greens_count
from your_table