I'm having a lot of trouble compiling the otherwise excellent Contiki OS on my macbook pro (with mac os x 10.6). Contiki actually uses a lot of GNU-specific features and options of GCC, AR, LD, and so on. So I installed those utilities via macports, but it looks like "port install binutils" does not install GNU ld, does it ?So, the question is, how do I get GNU ld on my mac ? Is there a simple alternative to the hard-way (i.e. the wget, configure, make, make install way) ? 解决方案 As far as I can tell, GNU binutils does not support the Mach-O format. None of the documentation mentions it, and some Googling turns up some recent messages indicating that it is not supported.Now, you mention the Contiki OS, which looks to me like an embedded operating system. Are you needing to compile to a native executable, or are you trying to cross-compile for some other environment? MacPorts does include several ports of binutils for cross compilation. 这篇关于如何在Mac OS X 10.6上安装GNU LD?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-27 10:18