


If Protractor is replacing Angular Scenario Runner for E2E testing, does that mean I will still be able to use it with Karma as my E2E testing framework ?



Not recommended by the current maintainer of Protractor:


量角器和噶应该不能一起使用;相反,他们提供了运行测试独立的系统。量角器和噶覆盖测试的不同方面 - 噶主要是用于单元测试,而量角器应该用于端到端测试

Protractor and Karma should not be used together; instead they provide separate systems for running tests. Protractor and Karma cover different aspects of testing - Karma is intended mostly for unit tests, while Protractor should be used for end to end testing.

量角器是建立在WebDriverJS,它使用硒/ webdriver的服务器,以规定的浏览器和驱动器的测试执行的顶部。纯WebDriverJS的例子可以在这里找到:<一href=\"http://$c$c.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/WebDriverJs\">http://$c$c.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/WebDriverJs

Protractor is built on top of WebDriverJS, which uses a Selenium/WebDriver server to provision browsers and drive test execution. Examples of pure WebDriverJS can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/WebDriverJs


Georgios的 - 我觉得很有道理,保持量角器和噶分开 - 端到端测试,你想要本机事件驱动和webdriver的灵活性,同时为单元测试你想快速执行和文件autowatching

Georgios - I think it makes sense to keep Protractor and Karma separate - for end to end tests, you want the native event driving and flexibility of webdriver, while for unit tests you want fast execution and autowatching of files.


09-09 21:31