本文介绍了WHERE子句中的Column Order对于Index Selection是否重要?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Suppose I'm running a query that has:

WHERE column1 = "value1" 
  AND column2 = "value2"

column1 已编入索引,并且 column2 不是。我的 WHERE 子句的顺序是否重要?我应该首先在索引列上运行子查询吗?或者,SQL是否足够智能,可以首先自动查询索引列?

column1 is indexed, and column2 is not. Does the order of my WHERE clause matter? Should I run a subquery over the indexed column first? Or, is SQL smart enough to automatically query over the indexed column first?


SQL语句中的顺序无关紧要,当然也不适用于未覆盖索引的索引(多个列) 。

The order in the SQL statement does not matter, certainly not for indexes that are not covering indexes (more than one column).

覆盖索引要求查询中至少有一列的引用,从列表的左侧开始。 IE:定义为column1,column2,column3的覆盖索引需要查询至少引用column1才能使用索引。只引用column2或column2和column3组合的查询不会使用覆盖索引。

Covering indexes require that there be a reference in the query for at least one column, starting from the left of the list. IE: A covering index defined as "column1, column2, column3" needs queries to at least reference column1 in order to use the index. A query that only has references to either column2, or a combination of column2 and column3 would not use the covering index.


That said, index decisions by the optimizer are determined by table statistics & how fragmented the index is at the time of the query. Neither of these is self-maintaining, because depending on the amount of data can be very time consuming (so you wouldn't want it happening all the time). Having an index doesn't guarantee the index will always be used.


Indexes are also not ANSI, but surprisingly vendors (MySQL, Oracle, etc) have relatively similar syntax & naming.

这篇关于WHERE子句中的Column Order对于Index Selection是否重要?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-27 04:08