

我需要以编程方式检查MIUI手机中我的应用程序的自动启动权限是打开还是关闭. Facebook和whatsapp均已默认启用此权限,该如何启用?

I need to check programmatically if the auto start permission for my app in MIUI phone is on or off. Facebook and whatsapp have this permission already enabled by default , how can I do so?




As it's completely depend on their operating system API's and customisation. Even developers have requested for this on XIOMI's official forums but there is no response from there side.


Till now even i am finding an answer to this question but nothing helped me.

目前,只有植根电话才有可能.即通过成为超级用户来对其固件进行自定义. 但这是不可取的,因为它可能会损坏用户的手机.

For the time being it will be only possible for rooted phones. i.e. making customisation in their firmware by becoming super user. But this is not at all advisable as it may damage user's phone.



You can redirect user to autostart permission's settings page for enabling your app using following code

String manufacturer = "xiaomi";
if (manufacturer.equalsIgnoreCase(android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER)) {
    //this will open auto start screen where user can enable permission for your app
    Intent intent1 = new Intent();
    intent1.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.miui.securitycenter", "com.miui.permcenter.autostart.AutoStartManagementActivity"));

编辑2 我最近使用了XIOMI的Mi A1,它有现货的android系统(不是miui),所以这部手机没有miui的autostart permission设置.因此,在将用户导航到此类设备中的设置时请多加注意,因为它将无法在此处使用.

EDIT 2I have recently used Mi A1 from XIOMI which have stock android (not miui) so this phone does not have autostart permission settings from miui. So take care while navigating user to the settings in such devices because it will not work here.


09-12 12:11