本文介绍了CORBA VS Web 服务的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


为什么 WebServices 优于 CORBA?

Why WebServices took advantage over CORBA ?


虽然最初 CORBA 可能被认为提供了今天提供的 Web 服务,但我认为我同意 CORBA 似乎已经丢失"了这个应用程序.

While initially CORBA may have been thought to provide what web services provide today, I think I agree that it seems that for this application CORBA has "lost".

但是,作为一种受多种平台(嵌入式)支持的 RPC 技术,在本机 (C++) 上运行并经过良好测试,并且可用于实现性能非常好的数据传输场景,我确实认为 CORBA仍然有一个重要的利基市场.它与网络"无关.

However, as an RPC technology that is supported on a wide array of platforms (embedded), works and is tested well from native (C++), and can be used to implement pretty performant data transfer scenarios, I do think that CORBA still has an important niche. It's just got nothing to to with "the web".

直接参考这个问题:我喜欢认为 CORBA 丢失"了,因为与 WebServices 不同,它不像今天使用的那样针对 Web —— 如:通过端口 80 隧道传输所有内容,运行应用程序 60% 在浏览器中,40% 在网络服务器中,等等.

To directly refer to the question: I like to think that CORBA "lost" because, unlike WebServices, it is not targeted at The Web as it is used today -- As in: Tunneling everything through port 80, running apps 60% in the browser and 40% in a webserver, etc.

这篇关于CORBA VS Web 服务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-12 17:41