本文介绍了JDK 11中是否有CORBA的替代库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


JDK-11将删除JDK的许多较旧的部分( JEP -320 ).对于其中的某些功能(例如JAXB),它将作为常规库提供.您只需添加另一个依赖项,一切便会再次正常运行.

JDK-11 will remove a lot of older parts of the JDK (JEP-320).For some of them (e.g. JAXB) functionality will be provided as regular library. You simply add another dependency and everything works fine again.


But not so for CORBA, because


I am however in the painful situation of needing to maintain older applications that still require CORBA while still wanting to update to JDK-11.


Is there a replacement-library out there or another good way of migrating to JDK-11 without removing the CORBA functionality of these applications?


您绝对可以看看 javaee /glassfish-corba .记录在案的首页读为-

You can definitely take a look at javaee/glassfish-corba. The documented home page reads -


Further what shall also interest developers, from the JEP itself -

1..如果仅包含一个CORBA实现,则它们不会编译或运行. 认可的" CORBA API 的子集,并希望JDK提供 其余的.

1. CORBA implementations will not compile or run if they include only a subset of the "endorsed" CORBA APIs and expect the JDK to provide the remainder.

2.使用 RMI-IIOP 的应用程序和CORBA实现不会 编译或运行. RMI-IIOP软件包(javax.rmijavax.rmi.CORBA) 位于java.corba模块中并绑定到CORBA 实现,因此Java中将不提供 RMI-IIOP 支持 删除java.corba后SE.

2. Applications and CORBA implementations that use RMI-IIOP will not compile or run. The RMI-IIOP packages (javax.rmi and javax.rmi.CORBA) are located in the java.corba module and tied to the CORBA implementation therein, so there will be no RMI-IIOP support in Java SE once java.corba is removed.

3..使用javax.activity的应用程序和CORBA实现 程序包将无法编译或运行.该程序包位于 java.corba模块并绑定到其中的CORBA实现,因此 删除java.corba后,Java SE将不再支持.

3. Applications and CORBA implementations that use the javax.activity package will not compile or run. This package is located in the java.corba module and tied to the CORBA implementation therein, so there will be no support in Java SE once java.corba is removed.



  • The "CORBA interop package" if required is implemented along with the artifact javax.transaction : javax.transaction-api.

这篇关于JDK 11中是否有CORBA的替代库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-12 06:24