本文介绍了为什么MATCH函数不能正常工作在Excel中使用数组公式的情况? (示例附后)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




Explanation and background: I have a list of animals and their color in column G (animal) and H (color). I have a list of the unique colors in column A, and a list of unique animals in column D. In column B, next to the list of unique colors, I need to know of all the animals, which animal has that color most often (raw number, not proportion.) I cannot use any additional helper cells.

我已经用公式{=MAX(COUNTIFS(H:H,A2,G:G,$D$2:$D$20))}为每种颜色确定了动物的最大值,结果是7,但这是我能得到的.我可以将COUNTIFS语句设置为MAX语句,如下所示:COUNTIFS(H:H,A2,G:G,E1:E19)=MAX(COUNTIFS(H:H,A2,G:G,E1:E19))可以在数组公式中用作TRUE/FALSE数组.最后,我尝试将MATCH与先前的公式一起用作数组,并寻找TRUE值以尝试检索数组中唯一TRUE值的位置,但似乎无法找到它,而是给了我19 ,这是整个数组的长度.

I have established the max by animal for each color with the formula {=MAX(COUNTIFS(H:H,A2,G:G,$D$2:$D$20))} with the result being 7, but that's as far as I can get. I can set the COUNTIFS statement to the MAX statement like so: COUNTIFS(H:H,A2,G:G,E1:E19)=MAX(COUNTIFS(H:H,A2,G:G,E1:E19)) which can be used as a TRUE/FALSE array in an array formula. Finally I try to use MATCH with the previous formula as my array, and look for a TRUE value to attempt to retrieve the position of the only TRUE value in the array, but it seems to not be able to find it and instead gives me 19, which is the length of the entire array.


When I step through the formula, here's the step right before resulting in 19:



Why does this MATCH not work?



Try this array formula in B2 then copy to B3:B10:

= INDEX( $G$1:$G$510,MATCH( MAX(IF( $H$1:$H$510 = A2,COUNTIFS( $G$1:$G$510, $G$1:$G$510, $H$1:$H$510, $H$1:$H$510), "" ) ),IF( $H$1:$H$510 = A2,COUNTIFS( $G$1:$G$510, $G$1:$G$510, $H$1:$H$510, $H$1:$H$510), "" ), 0 ) )

= INDEX( $G$1:$G$510,MATCH( MAX(IF( $H$1:$H$510 = A2,COUNTIFS( $G$1:$G$510, $G$1:$G$510, $H$1:$H$510, $H$1:$H$510), "" ) ),IF( $H$1:$H$510 = A2,COUNTIFS( $G$1:$G$510, $G$1:$G$510, $H$1:$H$510, $H$1:$H$510), "" ), 0 ) )

这篇关于为什么MATCH函数不能正常工作在Excel中使用数组公式的情况? (示例附后)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-12 17:09