

我有一个子程序,该子程序将值传递给另一个子程序.在第二个子例程中,我尝试对使用$ _传递给它的参数进行操作,但此方法不起作用.

如果我尝试在第二个子例程中打印$ _,则会得到传递给第一个子例程的参数字符串.传递传入参数的正确方法是什么?


I have a subroutine that passes a value to another subroutine. In the second subroutine I try to operate on the argument that was passed to it by using $_ and this is not working.

If I try to print out $_ in the second subroutine, I get the argument string that was passed to the first subroutine. What is the proper way to get at the argument passed in???

The code I''m using is below:

sub splitFn{
	my @splitArray = split(/;/,$_);
	my $retList = ();
	my %hashOut = ();
	my $i = 0;
	my $j = 0;

	for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@splitArray); $i++){
		$splitArray[$i] =~ s/^\s+//;	#remove leading white spaces ;
		$splitArray[$i] =~ s/\s+$//;	#remove trailing white space s/s+$//;
	if (scalar(@splitArray) == 2){
		$hashOut{"name"} = $splitArray[0];
		$hashOut{"FirstRange"} = $splitArray[1];
	elsif (scalar(@splitArray) == 3){
		$hashOut{"name"} = $splitArray[0];
		$hashOut{"FirstRange"} = arrayMkr($splitArray[1]);
		$hashOut{"SecondRange"} = arrayMkr($splitArray[2]);
		die "\n ************** Input file is not formatted correctly! At line $splitArray[$i] $!\n";

	$retList =(\%hashOut);		#	Creating a reference to the hash that will be passed back.


sub arrayMkr{
	my @splitUpIn = split(" ",$_);
	my $size = scalar(@splitUpIn);


sub splitFn{
	my @splitArray = split(/;/,


06-13 08:19