本文介绍了什么是 CoNLL 数据格式?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是文本挖掘的新手.我正在使用一个开源 jar (Mate Parser),它在依赖解析后以 CoNLL 2009 格式为我提供输出.我想将依赖解析结果用于信息提取.但我能够理解一些输出但无法理解 CoNLL 数据格式.任何人都可以帮助我让我了解 CoNLL 数据格式吗?任何类型的指针将不胜感激.

I am new to text mining. I am using a open source jar (Mate Parser) which gives me output in a CoNLL 2009 format after dependency parsing. I want to use the dependency parsing results for Information Extraction. But i am able to understand some of the output but not able to comprehend the CoNLL data format. Can any one help me in making me understand the CoNLL data format?? Any kind of pointers would be appreciated.


有很多不同的CoNLL 格式,因为 CoNLL 是每年不同的共享任务.此处描述了 CoNLL 2009 的格式.每行代表一个带有一系列制表符分隔字段的单词._s 表示空值.Mate-Parser's manual 说它使用了 CoNLL 2009 的前 12 列:

There are many different CoNLL formats since CoNLL is a different shared task each year. The format for CoNLL 2009 is described here. Each line represents a single word with a series of tab-separated fields. _s indicate empty values. Mate-Parser's manual says that it uses the first 12 columns of CoNLL 2009:


其中一些列的定义来自早期的共享任务(CoNLL-X 格式在 2006 和 2007 年使用):

The definition of some of these columns come from earlier shared tasks (the CoNLL-X format used in 2006 and 2007):

  • ID(句中索引,从1开始)
  • FORM(词表本身)
  • LEMMA(词的引理或词干)
  • POS(词性)
  • FEAT(以 | 分隔的形态特征列表)
  • HEAD(句法父级索引,0 表示ROOT)
  • DEPREL(HEAD与这个词的句法关系)
  • ID (index in sentence, starting at 1)
  • FORM (word form itself)
  • LEMMA (word's lemma or stem)
  • POS (part of speech)
  • FEAT (list of morphological features separated by |)
  • HEAD (index of syntactic parent, 0 for ROOT)
  • DEPREL (syntactic relationship between HEAD and this word)

那些以 P 开头的列的变体(例如,PPOS 但不是 POS)表明该值是自动预测的,而不是黄金标准值.

There are variants of those columns (e.g., PPOS but not POS) that start with P indicate that the value was automatically predicted rather a gold standard value.

更新:现在有一个 CoNLL-U 扩展 CoNLL-X 格式的数据格式.

Update: There is now a CoNLL-U data format as well which extends the CoNLL-X format.

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06-13 08:10