

有什么方法可以改变 Formatter python的 string.format()使用?我有一个自定义的(禁用 check_unused_args 方法),但这需要我使用 formatter.format(text)语法,而不是text.format()语法,我更喜欢。




没有。我认为理性是因为它会导致代码混乱。人们会期望 format_string.format(...)表现出一种行为方式,它的表现会有所不同,导致错误和普遍的悲伤。

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  class MyFormatter(string.Formatter):
#customization here ...

MyFormatter()。format(format_string,* args,** kwargs)

通过继承 string.Formatter ,您可以访问整个 Formatter API,如果这还不够,可以使用 __格式__ 自定义对象的格式。钩子方法 Formatter 对象调用(包括标准的)

Is there some way I can change the Formatter python's string.format() uses? I have a custom one (disables the check_unused_args method), but this requires me use the formatter.format("text") syntax, instead of the "text".format() syntax, which I'd prefer.

Can I swap out the 'default formatter' somehow?

NOTE: This is just a small project, I don't need to worry about messing up libraries or anything.


No. I think the rational is because it would lead to really confusing code. People would expect format_string.format(...) to behave one way, and it would behave differently causing bugs and general sadness.

You can however, explicitly tell python that you want to use a different formatter.

class MyFormatter(string.Formatter):
    """This is my formatter which is better than the standard one."""
    # customization here ...

MyFormatter().format(format_string, *args, **kwargs)

By inheriting from string.Formatter, you gain access to the entire Formatter API which can make your custom formatter work better.

If that weren't enough, you can customize how objects format themselves using the __format__ hook method which Formatter objects call (including the standard one).


10-26 22:13