

我需要将列动态加载到Jqgrid,并尝试遵循 jqGrid和动态列绑定

I need to load columns to Jqgrid Dynamically and am trying to follow jqGrid and dynamic column binding


Am trying in MVC. for Column name am fetching from Table(Which has a list of Columns to be displayed in GRID) and returning the Json data which is straightforward.


How do i implement for ColModel. For ex: i need to send JSon object like this dynamically

     {name: 'Airport', formatter: UrlFmatter, width: 95, align: "center", index: 'AIRPORT', searchoptions: { sopt: ['eq', 'ne', 'cn']} }
  {name: 'Country', width: 100, align: "center", index: 'Country', searchoptions: { sopt: ['eq', 'ne', 'cn']} }


How my design should be to send json to set the colModel ?


My UrlFmatter code

function UrlFmatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
                    return "<a href='DetailResult?airportname=" + options.rowId + "' >" + cellvalue + "</a>";


How do i write as per your answer for formatting and unformatting ?Thanks


我想您在JSON内发送有关格式化程序(formatter: UrlFmatter)的信息时遇到了问题. JSON字符串不支持将函数用作数据类型.解决问题的最简单方法似乎是我以与标准格式化程序相同的方式注册您的格式化程序.例如,如果您希望格式化程序的名称为"myUrlFormatter",则可以使用以下

I suppose that you have the problem with sending information about the formatter (formatter: UrlFmatter) inside of JSON. JSON strings don't support functions as the type of data. The most easy way to solve the problem seems me registering your formatter in the same way as standard formatters. For example is you want that your formatter have the name "myUrlFormatter" you can use the following

(function ($) {
    'use strict';
    /*jslint unparam: true */
    $.extend($.fn.fmatter, {
        myUrlFormatter: function (cellValue, options) {
            // you should place here the code of 
            // your custom formatter UrlFmatter
    $.extend($.fn.fmatter.myUrlFormatter, {
        unformat: function (cellValue, options, elem) {
            // you should place here the code of 
            // your custom unformatter

您应在之后 jquery.jqGrid.min.js(或jquery.jqGrid.src.js之后)添加代码.在注册格式化程序之后,您可以在colModel中以

You should include the code after jquery.jqGrid.min.js (or after jquery.jqGrid.src.js). After such registration of the formatter you can use it in colModel as

{name: "Airport", index: "AIRPORT", formatter: "myUrlFormatter", width: 95,
    align: "center", searchoptions: { sopt: ["eq", "ne", "cn"]} }

因此,formatter属性的值将是 string (formatter: "myUrlFormatter")而不是函数(formatter: UrlFmatter).

So the value of formatter property will be string (formatter: "myUrlFormatter") instead of the function (formatter: UrlFmatter).


09-27 11:59