我在 Xcode 11 Beta 4 中处理了一个项目,然后降级到 Xcode 10 并且无法打开该项目.
I worked on a project in Xcode 11 Beta 4 and then downgraded to Xcode 10 and can't open the project.
我想将我的应用程序提交到应用程序商店,但我一直在 Xcode 11 beta 4 中收到错误消息.我是一个初学者,我知道我篡改了构建设置以使其正常工作.我删除了 Xcode 11 并下载了 Xcode 10 以尝试通过它进行存档,但现在我什至无法使用 Xcode 10 打开该项目.
I want to submit my app to the app store, but I kept getting error messages in Xcode 11 beta 4. I'm a beginner and I know I tampered with the build settings trying to make it work. I deleted Xcode 11 and downloaded Xcode 10 to try and archive through that, but now I can't even open the project with Xcode 10.
我相信我是在 Xcode 9 上开始这个项目的.我尝试存档,但有一个 SDK 版本问题"
,这是旧 iOS 的问题.所以我更新了我的 Mac 操作系统,并用 Xcode 11 beta 替换了 Xcode 9.这带来了更多尝试存档的错误,我更改了架构和代理等等.所以我删除了 Xcode 11 并尝试了 Xcode 10,但我无法打开该项目.
I started the project on Xcode 9, I believe. I tried archiving, but there was an "SDK Version Issue"
, something with the old iOS. So I updated my Mac's operating system, and replaced Xcode 9 with Xcode 11 beta. That came with many more errors trying to archive, and I changed architectures and proxies and all that. So I deleted Xcode 11 and tried Xcode 10 but I can't open the project.
无法打开,因为它是未来的 Xcode 项目文件格式.请使用兼容版本的 Xcode 调整项目格式,以允许此版本的 Xcode 打开."
您可能会遇到大量 Swift 错误.beta 4 的发行说明承认这是一个问题.
You are probably getting a ton of Swift errors. The release notes for beta 4 acknowledge this is an issue.
官方的解决方法是使用名称为 LD_VERIFY_BITCODE 的自定义构建设置,并将其设置为 NO.
The official workaround is to a custom build setting with the name LD_VERIFY_BITCODE, and set it to NO.
Just remember to remove when issue is resolved!
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