我正在使用VS2008,没有计划在不久的将来进行升级.我非常想念我为VS2010 +提供的PowerCommands功能.
I am using VS2008 at work with no plans to upgrade in the near future. I sorely miss the features of PowerCommands that I have for VS2010+.
此处 是画廊,但它引用档案.
Here is the gallery but it references the archive.
所有旧链接都将我指向 http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/PowerCommands 已退役.我也不能说服archive.org咳嗽.
All of the old links point me to http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/PowerCommands which has been retired. I couldn't convince archive.org to cough it up either.
Does anyone have a link to this addin anywhere?
Alternately, if anyone has some replacements I'd be just as happy.
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联系Microsoft帮了我大忙.在 https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=38EB61838A7224E1%21107,您可以找到所需的工具:)除了Visual Studio 2008 PowerCommands,您还可以在那里找到许多其他工具,修复程序和打包程序.
Contacting Microsoft did the trick for me. At https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=38EB61838A7224E1%21107, you can find what you need :) Besides the Visual Studio 2008 PowerCommands, you can find a bunch of other tools, fixes and packs over there.