

对于例如,有LabelType和任务类型的表。 LabelType和任务类型表有TYPEID和类型名列。它们将被用作其他表,如与shippingLog表和任务类型表EmployeeTask表LabelType表的外键。

I have many tables that have same number of columns and names because they are all lookup tables.For example, there are LabelType and TaskType tables. LabelType and TaskType tables have TypeID and TypeName columns. They will be used as a foreign key in other tables such as LabelType table with shippingLog table and TaskType table with EmployeeTask Table.

LabelType Table
TypeID TypeName
1      Fedex
2      UPS
3      USPS

TaskType Table
TypeID TypeName
1      Receiving
2      Pickup
3      Shipping


So far, I have more than 20 tables and I am expecting it is going to be keep increasing.I have no problem with it , but I am just wondering whether there is any better or smarter way of using tables or not. I was even thinking to consolidate all those tables as one lookup Type Table and differentiate them by adding a foreign key from lookup table. The lookup table may have data like Label, Task, and etc. Then I just need one or two tables for all those lookup data.


Please, advise me if you have any better or smarter way of data modeling.



Just because data has similar structure doesn't mean it has the same meaning or same constraints. Keep your lookup tables separate. This keeps foreign keys separate, so the database can protect itself from referencing the wrong kind of lookup data.

我希望关系数据库管理系统所支持的产业,在那里你可以在父表中定义的基本结构和只添加特定FKS的子表。目前的情况是,你需要忍受一些重复你的DDL ...

I wish relational DBMSes supported inheritance, where you could define the basic structure in the parent table and just add specific FKs in the child tables. As it stands now, you'll need to endure some repetition in your DDL...


NOTE: One exception from "keep lookup tables separate" rule might be when your system needs to be dynamic (i.e. be able to add new kinds of lookup data without actually creating new physical tables in the database), but it doesn't look that way from your question.

一个大的查找表,FKS本身不会停止(例如) ShippingLog从引用意味着在 EmployeeTask 表中的行表。使用确定的关系和迁移的PK,你可以保护自己免受这一点,但并非没有引入一些冗余,并需要一些细致的约束。它的清洁,可能更高性能的简单地做正确的事,并保持查找表中分离出来。

With one big lookup table, FKs alone won't stop (for example) the ShippingLog table from referencing a row meant for the EmployeeTask table. By using identifying relationships and migrating PKs, you can protect yourself from this, but not without introducing some redundancies and needing some careful constraining. It's cleaner and probably more performant to simply do the right thing and keep lookup tables separate.


08-24 19:10