使用jQuery和RegEx进行多语言电子邮件地址验证 Basically I want to have search option in select box with jquery chosen implemented on select box.All option are in Urdu Language.How can I expand chosen search to match Urdu?Or there is another way to search Urdu in Select box?any Other suggestion.Thanks in Advance 解决方案 There is a very simple method to apply all you RegEx logic(that one can apply easily in English) for any Language using Unicode.For matching a range of Unicode Characters like all Alphabets [A-Za-z] we can use 'matchCAPS leTTer'.match(/[\u0041-\u005A]+/g)//output ["CAPS", "TT"]In the same way we can use other Unicode characters or their equivalent Hex-Code according to their Hexadecimal Order (eg: \u0A10 to \u0A1F) provided by unicode.orgTry: [ڀ-ڴ]It will match all characters between ڀ and ڴ if provided by unicode.org in this orderI don't know Arabic/Urdu :)For matching: you can easily get any plugin for English, modify it little bit with Urdu/Arabic chars and its done.For Ref:Javascript regex insensitive turkish character issueValidate url for multilingual - Japanese langaugaMultilingual email address validation with jQuery and RegEx 这篇关于如何在Jquery选择插件中搜索Urdu?还有其他方法可以在Selectbox中搜索urdu吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 10-20 15:04