本文介绍了有什么方法可以通过编程方式控制DirectShow VSFilter吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试以编程方式将字幕文件设置为DirectShow VSFilter。

I'm trying to set up a subtitles file to DirectShow VSFilter programmatically.There is a way to do so through its property pages but I can't find any documentation regarding its API or even if it has one.


Is there any sort of API, Interop, anything which would allow to set up a subtitle file for VSFilter?


VSFilter上没有特定的文档,但是它是开源软件。因此,您可以下载源代码,并参考其接口定义,例如在MPC-HC源 \Mpc-hc\src\filters\transform\vsfilter\IDirectVobSub.h 中,并使用该界面以编程方式控制过滤器。

There is no specific documentation on VSFilter, however it's open source software. So you can download source code, reference its interface definition e.g. in MPC-HC source \Mpc-hc\src\filters\transform\vsfilter\IDirectVobSub.h and use the interface to control the filter programmatically.

    interface __declspec(uuid("EBE1FB08-3957-47ca-AF13-5827E5442E56"))
IDirectVobSub : public IUnknown
        STDMETHOD(get_FileName) (THIS_
                    WCHAR* fn   // fn should point to a buffer allocated to at
                                // least the length of MAX_PATH (=260)
                 ) PURE;

        STDMETHOD(put_FileName) (THIS_
                    WCHAR* fn
                 ) PURE;
// ...

这篇关于有什么方法可以通过编程方式控制DirectShow VSFilter吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-13 05:24