你会的通过电子邮件收到选票。按照说明进行投票。 这篇文章完全偏离了整个层面。 这个CFV属于UseNet,仅属于UseNet。这是一个AltNet小组,其中与UseNet无关。 除此之外,即使这个小组_是一个UseNet小组,它也是因为这个小组与 comp.databases没有任何关系,所以_still_ 偏离主题。*无论如何,这都是UseNet的heirarchy的一部分。 像这样的东西属于news.groups,news.announce,也许还有几个其他的UseNet团体,但它不属于任何地方在AltNet heirarchy。 - Smoovious - __________________________________________________ _____ _ / azz / | / | aster _____ Kenn" Jazz"第二展台Imperium,VGAP主机 邮件: ja**@grnet.com 邮箱: sm ******* @ nerdshack.com ICQ:#26588685 IRC:UnderNet #VGAplanetsThis post is completely off-topic for this entire heirarchy.This CFV belongs on UseNet, and UseNet only. This is an AltNet group, whichhas nothing to do with UseNet whatsoever.On top of that, even if this group _was_ a UseNet group, it''s _still_off-topic as this group doesn''t have anything to do with thecomp.databases.* part of UseNet''s heirarchy anyways.Things like this belong in news.groups, and news.announce, and maybe a coupleother UseNet groups, but it doesn''t belong anywhere in the AltNet heirarchy.-- Smoovious--__________________________________________________ _____ _/azz /|/|aster _____Kenn "Jazz" Booth II The Imperium, VGAP hostmail: ja**@grnet.com mail: sm*******@nerdshack.comICQ : #26588685 IRC : UnderNet #VGAplanets Kenn''Jazz''Booth II写道: :Otis Green写道: : ::支持或反对新的新闻组提案。 :: ::要总结你需要做什么,只需发送一个空的e-邮件至 :: po ******** *******@netagw.com :: ::您将通过电子邮件收到投票。按照说明进行投票。 :: :: __________________________________________________ _____________________ :: :: FIRST CALL FOR VOTES(of 2) :: unmoderated group comp.databases.postgresql : :这篇文章完全偏离主题整个heirarchy。 : :此CFV属于UseNet,仅属于UseNet。这是一个AltNet小组, :这与UseNet无关。 : :除此之外,即使这样group _was_一个UseNet小组,它是_still_ :偏离主题,因为这个小组与 :comp.databases没有任何关系。*无论如何,UseNet的部分是heirarchy。 : :这样的事情属于news.groups,news.announce,也许是 :其他几个UseNet小组,但它不属于 中的任何地方:AltNet heirarchy。 : : - Smoovious Pleace让我们保持这些主题的废话远离我们的karl malden 组。 TIA。 - Steve Leyland mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41 花:3 6 4 9 5 8 8 9 em ess en:我在炼狱点组织的第一个名字 Alcatroll Labs Inc(bongwater维护部门) http://www.insurgent.org/~alcatroll/ http://www.radioxanadu.tk = ^ MEOW MEOW ARMY ^ = 粗暴暴力裸体。偶然的语言。 ======================================= =========== ==================== 警告所有人: Steve Leyland是最高级别的拖拉机。现在Killfile 布偶继续前进。即使是对他过去的最简单的搜索,也可以揭示真相。你被警告了。 * plonk *" bear,uk.rec.motorcycles ================== ================================ ================== == "这个sig是所有关于usenet的好消息的可憎。 帮助整个世界,并从USENET ALTOGETHER中移除自己, DUMBASS。 米格尔,soc.singles =============== =================================== =============== ===== "你必须在每个 他妈的帖子中包含你的75847548574893579345千兆字节sig文件吗?你很讨厌。 弹丸呕吐小鸡,alt.music.ozzy ============ ====================================== ============ ======== 我去了爱之花园, 看到了我从未见过的东西; 教堂建在中间, 我曾经在绿地上玩过。 这座教堂的大门关闭了 和你不应该,翻过门; 所以我转向爱的花园 那么多甜蜜的花朵。 我看到它充满了坟墓, 和鲜花应该在哪里的墓碑; 穿着黑色礼服的牧师正在走路, 和装订与briars我的喜悦和欲望。 William Blake。 ================== ================================ ================== == 当地球遭到蹂躏而动物即将死亡时,来自所有种族,信仰和颜色的人们将会信任 /> 契约,而不是言语,让土地再次变绿。它们应该被称为 彩虹勇士,环境保护者。 美洲原住民预言 | \\ \\ _.-''~~""''〜'''〜) /,〜 - ,__ ,,,。''〜, - ; - '''' ' |,4)./''; ; /'' '' - ~~;''@(;; _.--''''_.-_ ..''。; 。'' (,_..----''''''(,..--'''' 喵Kenn ''Jazz'' Booth II wrote:: Otis Green wrote:::: Vote for or against a new newsgroup proposal.:::: To summarize what you need to do, just send an empty e-mail to:: po***************@netagw.com:::: You''ll receive a ballot by e-mail. Follow the instructions and vote.:::: __________________________________________________ _____________________:::: FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2):: unmoderated group comp.databases.postgresql:: This post is completely off-topic for this entire heirarchy.:: This CFV belongs on UseNet, and UseNet only. This is an AltNet group,: which has nothing to do with UseNet whatsoever.:: On top of that, even if this group _was_ a UseNet group, it''s _still_: off-topic as this group doesn''t have anything to do with the: comp.databases.* part of UseNet''s heirarchy anyways.:: Things like this belong in news.groups, and news.announce, and maybe: a couple other UseNet groups, but it doesn''t belong anywhere in the: AltNet heirarchy.:: -- SmooviousPleace to keep these off topic poastings of crap away from our karl maldengroup.TIA.--Steve Leylandmhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot orgAlcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept) http://www.insurgent.org/~alcatroll/ http://www.radioxanadu.tk=^MEOW MEOW ARMY^=Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.================================================== ===================="Warning to all:Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile themuppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his pastUseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*"bear, uk.rec.motorcycles================================================== ===================="This sig is an abomination of all that is good and right about usenet.Do the entire world a favor and REMOVE YOURSELF FROM USENET ALTOGETHER,DUMBASS."miguel, soc.singles================================================== ===================="must you include your 75847548574893579345 gigabyte sig file in everyfucking post? You''re very annoying."projectile vomit chick, alt.music.ozzy================================================== ===================="I went to the Garden of Love,And saw what I never had seen;A Chapel was built in the midst,Where I used to play on the green.And the gates of this Chapel were shutAnd "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;So I turned to the Garden of LoveThat so many sweet flowers bore.And I saw it was filled with graves,And tombstones where flowers should be;And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,And binding with briars my joys and desires."William Blake.================================================== ===================="When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe ofpeople from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith indeeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known asWarriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."Native American prophecy|\ _.-''~~""''~`''~)/, ~-,__,,,.''~ ,-;;--''''|,4) ./ '' ; ;/''''-~~;''@ ( ; ;_.--'''' _.-_..'' .;.''(,_..----'''''' (,..--''''Meow Kenn''Jazz''第二号展位< NO ******** @ grnet.com>写道:Kenn ''Jazz'' Booth II <NO********@grnet.com> wrote:最重要的是,即使这个组织是一个UseNet小组,它仍然是_still_ ,因为这个小组与 comp.databases没有任何关系。*不管怎么说,UseNet的部分是heirarchy。 哪个组是''这个组'',fucktard? 这样的东西属于news.groups,和news.announce On top of that, even if this group _was_ a UseNet group, it''s _still_ off-topic as this group doesn''t have anything to do with the comp.databases.* part of UseNet''s heirarchy anyways.Which group is ''this group'', fucktard? Things like this belong in news.groups, and news.announce 然后在那里发布类似的东西,你这个蠢货。Then post things like that there, you fucktard cunt. 这篇关于投票给新的新闻组提案的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-11 06:52