

我懒 - 和我使用一个SqlDataSource来填充我的dropdownLists

I am lazy - and I am using a SQLDataSource to populate my dropdownLists.


The Databind event for the databound objects is called before the Page.PreRender so I am doing something like this in the PreRender eventHandler:

private void InitializeDropDown()
            this.myDropDown.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Select something --"));


I know I can set AppendDataBound items to true and hardcode my custom item in the markup but before reverting to that I'd like to understand why what I am doing is not working.


It usually works when I bind stuff dynamically like this:

myDropDown.DataTextField = "whatever";
myDropDown.DataValueField = "ID";
myDropDown.DataSource = GetStuff();
myDropDown.Items.Insert(0, "-- Select something --");

我在做什么应该是等价的 - 唯一的区别是我使用一个SqlDataSource

What I am doing should be equivalent - only difference is I am using a SQLDataSource.

任何帮助AP preciated!

Any help appreciated!


我设置 AppendDataBoundItems =真正的的dropDwonList,它的工作原理是风情万种!我认为这是应该仅用于在标记硬codeD列表项presence。我错了。

I set AppendDataBoundItems="true" for the dropDwonList and it works like charme!I thought it was supposed to be used only in presence of hardcoded list items in the markup. I was wrong.


10-28 00:27