


The following program works as I expected in Clojure, but throws an error in ClojureScript. I'm wondering if this is a bug or the feature simply isn't available in ClojureScript or if I need to rethink the way I'm attempting to do this instead. Thanks a lot for the help in advance.

; Clojure...
(defn foo [x] x)
(defn foobee [x] (str (foo x) "bee"))

  ((resolve (symbol (str "foo" "bee"))) "bizzee"))

;=> bizzeebee

; ClojureScript...
(defn foo [x] x)
(defn foobee [x] (str (foo x) "bee"))

(.log js/console
  ((resolve (symbol (str "foo" "bee"))) "bizzee"))

;=> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Symbol


resolve doesn't exist in ClojureScript. In fact, ClojureScript does not have Vars.

调用一个名称是动态构造的函数可以通过各种hack(例如使用 aget 与命名空间对象),但是保证打破与高级编译,除非所有相关的符号导出。此外,目前没有人享受官方支持,即使有更宽松的编辑设置。

Calling a function whose name is constructed dynamically is possible through various hacks (like using aget with the namespace object), which are however guaranteed to break with advanced compilation unless all the relevant symbols are exported. Also, currently none enjoy official support even with the more permissive compilation settings.


10-20 20:51