


Does executing javascript within a browser in 'strict mode' make it more performant, in general? Do any of the major browsers do additional optimisation or use any other techniques that will improve performance in strict mode?


To rephrase slightly, is strict mode intended, amongst its other goals, to allow browsers to introduce additional optimisations or other performance enhancements?



Whether or not it was intended to do this, I'm not sure, although I think the answer is yes.

但我可以肯定地说严格模式确实提供了这些机会,并且浏览器将实施它们 - 无论提供这些机会是否是ECMA委员会的有意目标。但是,我不希望立即采取所有这些机会。在许多情况下,口头禅可能首先是正确性,后来是性能,因为严格模式现在还没有被广泛使用。 (我使用Mozilla的JavaScript引擎并实现了严格模式的各个部分,我们通过这种方式实现它作为一般规则 - 尽管如果我尝试的话我可能会想到一两个例外。)

But I can say with certainty that strict mode does provide these opportunities, and browsers will implement them -- regardless whether providing those opportunities was an intentional goal for the ECMA committee. However, I wouldn't expect all those opportunities to be taken immediately. In many cases the mantra is likely to be correctness first, performance later, because strict mode is not widely used right now. (I work on Mozilla's JavaScript engine and have implemented various parts of strict mode, and we're implementing it this way as a general rule -- although I could probably think of an exception or two if I tried.)


06-12 23:08