本文介绍了无法编译双向链表的代码。的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我正在使用Dev-c。 #include< stdio.h> #include< stdlib.h> #include< string.h> class Node { 朋友类列表; public: Node(int d,Node * p = NULL,Node * n = NULL):data(d),prev(p),next( n){} private: int data; Node * prev; Node * next; }; 班级列表 { public: List(): head(NULL){} ~List() { Node * cur = head; Node * prev = NULL; while(cur!= NULL) { prev = cur; cur = cur-> next; 删除prev; } } void insert(int data) { Node * node = new Node(data); if(head = NULL) { head = node; return; } Node * cur = head; while(cur-> next!= NULL) { if(数据< = cur->数据) { if(cur-> prev == NULL) { head = node; head-> next = cur; cur-> prev = head; } 其他 { node-> prev = cur-> prev; node-> next = cur; cur-> prev-> next = node; // ??? } 返回; } 其他 { cur = cur-> next; } } if(cur-> data< ; =数据) { cur-> next = node; node-> prev = cur; } 其他 { node-> next = cur; node-> prev = cur-> prev; cur-> prev-> next = node; } } void DelNode(int da) { Node * cur = head; while(cur-> next!= NULL) { if(cur-> data == da) { if(cur - > prev == NULL) { head = cur-> next; delete cur; } 其他 { cur-> prev-> next = cur-> next; cur-> next-> prev = cur-> prev; delete cur; } return; } 其他 { cur = cur-> next; } } if(cur-> da ta == da) { cur-> prev-> next = NULL; delete cur; } } 无效显示() { 节点* cur = head; while(cur!= NULL) { printf("%d \ nn",cur - >数据); cur = cur-> next; } } private: Node * head; }; int main(int argc,char * argv []) { List l; l.insert(10); l.insert(100); l.insert(150); l.insert(145); l.insert(200); l.insert(2); l.insert(180); l.insert(135); l。 insert(130); l.insert(1); l.insert(1); l.insert(200); l.display(); printf(" ******************* \ n") ; l.DelNode(200); l.display(); system(" PAUSE"); 返回0; }I''m using Dev-c.#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>class Node{friend class List;public:Node(int d,Node* p=NULL,Node*n=NULL):data(d),prev(p),next(n){}private:int data;Node* prev;Node* next;};class List{public:List():head(NULL){}~List(){Node* cur=head;Node* prev=NULL;while(cur!=NULL){prev=cur;cur=cur->next;delete prev;}}void insert(int data){Node* node=new Node(data);if(head=NULL){head=node;return;}Node* cur=head;while(cur->next!=NULL){if(data<=cur->data){if(cur->prev==NULL){head=node;head->next=cur;cur->prev=head;}else{node->prev=cur->prev;node->next=cur;cur->prev->next=node; //???}return;}else{cur=cur->next;}}if(cur->data<=data){cur->next=node;node->prev=cur;}else{node->next=cur;node->prev=cur->prev;cur->prev->next=node;}}void DelNode(int da){Node* cur=head;while(cur->next!=NULL){if(cur->data==da){if(cur->prev==NULL){head=cur->next;delete cur;}else{cur->prev->next=cur->next;cur->next->prev=cur->prev;delete cur;}return;}else{cur=cur->next;}}if(cur->data==da){cur->prev->next=NULL;delete cur;}}void display(){Node* cur=head;while(cur!=NULL){printf("%d\n",cur->data);cur=cur->next;}}private:Node* head;};int main(int argc, char *argv[]){List l;l.insert(10);l.insert(100);l.insert(150);l.insert(145);l.insert(200);l.insert(2);l.insert(180);l.insert(135);l.insert(130);l.insert(1);l.insert(1);l.insert(200);l.display();printf("*******************\n");l.DelNode(200);l.display();system("PAUSE");return 0;}推荐答案 yang2006写道:yang2006 wrote: 我正在使用Dev- c。 #include< stdio.h> #include< stdlib.h> #include< string.h> class Node [...]I''m using Dev-c.#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>class Node[...] 你''在错误的新闻组中。 comp.lang.c ++下来 左边的大厅,第二扇门经过水冷却器。 是的,房间里有卡拉OK派对。玩得开心! - Eric Sosman es ***** @ ieee-dot-org.inva 盖子" yang2006"写道: 仔细看看你的屏幕。实际上它* *编译,它只是在打印任何内容之前使 出错。下一步:通过 隔离输入,将#if 0 --- #endif放在输入数据周围。这应该足够了,所以你可以根据自己的能力继续前进。代码中的两个基本注释"yang2006" writes:Look more closely at your screen. Actually it *does* compile, it just makesan error before anything is printed. Next step: isolate the input byputting #if 0 --- #endif around the input data. This should be enough soyou can proceed under your own capabilities. Two elementary notes in code 我正在使用Dev-c。 #include< stdio.h> #include< stdlib.h> #include< string.h> class Node { 朋友类列表; public: Node(int d,Node * p = NULL,节点* n = NULL):data(d),prev(p),next(n){} private: int data ; 节点*上一个; 节点*下一个; }; 类列表 { public: List():head(NULL){} ~List() { 节点* cur =头; 节点* prev = NULL; while(cur!= NULL) { prev = cur; cur = cur-> next; 删除上一页; } } void insert(int data) { Node * node = new Node(data); if(head = NULL) { head = node ; 返回; } 节点* cur = head; while(cur- >下一个!= NULL) { if(data< = cur-> data) { if(cur-> prev == NULL) { head = node; head-> next = cur; cur-> prev = head; } else { node-> prev = cur-> prev; node-> next = cur; cur-> prev - >接着=节点; // ??? } 返回; } 其他 { cur = cur-> next; } } if(cur - >数据< =数据) { cur-> next = node; node-> prev = cur; } 其他 { node-> next = cur; node-> prev = cur-> prev; cur-> prev-> next = node; } } void DelNode(int da) { Node * cur = head; while (CUR->接着!= NULL) { if(cur-> data == da) { if (cur-> prev == NULL) { head = cur-> next; delete cur; } 其他 { cur-> prev-> next = cur-> next; cur-> next-> prev = cur-> prev; delete cur; } return ; } 其他 { cur = cur-> next; $ } if(cur-> data == da) { cur-> prev-> next = NULL; delete cur ; } } 无效显示() { 节点* cur = head; while(cur!= NULL) { printf("%d \ n",cur->数据); cur = cur-> next; } } 私人: 节点*头; }; int main (int argc,char * argv []) { List l;I''m using Dev-c.#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>class Node{ friend class List; public: Node(int d,Node* p=NULL,Node*n=NULL):data(d),prev(p),next(n){} private: int data; Node* prev; Node* next;};class List{ public: List():head(NULL){} ~List() { Node* cur=head; Node* prev=NULL; while(cur!=NULL) { prev=cur; cur=cur->next; delete prev; } } void insert(int data) { Node* node=new Node(data); if(head=NULL) { head=node; return; } Node* cur=head; while(cur->next!=NULL) { if(data<=cur->data) { if(cur->prev==NULL) { head=node; head->next=cur; cur->prev=head; } else { node->prev=cur->prev; node->next=cur; cur->prev->next=node; //??? } return; } else { cur=cur->next; } } if(cur->data<=data) { cur->next=node; node->prev=cur; } else { node->next=cur; node->prev=cur->prev; cur->prev->next=node; } } void DelNode(int da) { Node* cur=head; while(cur->next!=NULL) { if(cur->data==da) { if(cur->prev==NULL) { head=cur->next; delete cur; } else { cur->prev->next=cur->next; cur->next->prev=cur->prev; delete cur; } return; } else { cur=cur->next; } } if(cur->data==da) { cur->prev->next=NULL; delete cur; } } void display() { Node* cur=head; while(cur!=NULL) { printf("%d\n",cur->data); cur=cur->next; } } private: Node* head; };int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ List l; #if 0#if 0 l.insert(10); l.insert(100); l.insert(150); l.insert(145); l.insert(200 ); l.insert(2); l.insert(180); l.insert(135); l.insert(130); l.insert(1); l.insert(1); l.insert(200); l.display(); printf(" ***************** ** \ n"); l.DelNode(200); l.display(); l.insert(10); l.insert(100); l.insert(150); l.insert(145); l.insert(200); l.insert(2); l.insert(180); l.insert(135); l.insert(130); l.insert(1); l.insert(1); l.insert(200); l.display(); printf("*******************\n"); l.DelNode(200); l.display(); #endif#endif system(" PAUSE"); 返回0; } system("PAUSE"); return 0;} yang2006写道:yang2006 wrote: 我正在使用Dev-c。I''m using Dev-c. 不,你正在使用Dev-C ++No, you''re using Dev-C++ #include< stdio.h> #include< stdlib.h> #include< string.h> class Node#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>class Node C没有上课C doesn''t have class { 朋友类列表; public:{ friend class List; public: 也不是朋友或公众nor friend or public Node(int d,Node * p = NULL,Node * n = NULL):data(d),prev(p),next(n){} private: Node(int d,Node* p=NULL,Node*n=NULL):data(d),prev(p),next(n){} private: 或私有。 C ++确实有这些,所以你最好在 comp.lang.c ++中询问你的问题。如果你这样做,还要提到你从编译器获得的错误消息。 但是:你的代码用VisualC ++ Express完全编译,但是 开始时崩溃。or private. C++ does have these, so you''re better off asking your quesion incomp.lang.c++. If you do, do also mention the error message(s) you get fromyour compiler.However: your code compiles cleanly with VisualC++ Express, but crashes whenstarted. int data; 节点* prev; 节点*下一个; }; 类列表 { public: List():head(NULL){} ~List() { Node * cur = head ; 节点* prev = NULL; while(cur!= NULL) { prev = cur ; cur = cur-> next; 删除上一页; } } void insert(int data) { Node * nod e =新节点(数据); if(head = NULL) int data; Node* prev; Node* next;};class List{ public: List():head(NULL){} ~List() { Node* cur=head; Node* prev=NULL; while(cur!=NULL) { prev=cur; cur=cur->next; delete prev; } } void insert(int data) { Node* node=new Node(data); if(head=NULL) 我猜你最有可能写的是 if(head == NULL) 这里,因为这是C和C ++中的典型错误,你不是完全错误的b OT在这里。I guess you most probably meant to writeif(head==NULL)here, and as this is a typical error in C as well as in C++, you''re notcompletly OT here. { head = node; return; } Node * cur = head; while(cur-> next!= NULL) { head=node; return; } Node* cur=head; while(cur->next!=NULL) 这里崩溃了。它没有上述修复...Here it crashes. It does not with above mentioned fix... { if(data< = cur-> data) { if(cur-> prev == NULL) { head = node; head-> next = cur; cur-> prev = head; } else { node-> prev = cur-> prev; node-> next = cur; cur- > prev->接着=节点; // ??? } 返回; } 其他 { cur = cur-> next; } } if(cur - >数据< =数据) { cur-> next = node; node-> prev = cur; } 其他 { node-> next = cur; node-> prev = cur-> prev; cur-> prev-> next = node; } } void DelNode(int da) { Node * cur = head; while (CUR->接着!= NULL) { if(cur-> data == da) { if (cur-> prev == NULL) { head = cur-> next; delete cur; } 其他 { cur-> prev-> next = cur-> next; cur-> next-> prev = cur-> prev; delete cur; } return ; } 其他 { cur = cur-> next; $ } if(cur-> data == da) { cur-> prev-> next = NULL; delete cur ; } } 无效显示() { 节点* cur = head; while(cur!= NULL) { printf("%d \ n",cur->数据); cur = cur-> next; } } 私人: 节点*头; }; int main (int argc,char * argv []) { List l; l.insert(10); l.insert(100); l.insert(150); l.insert(145); l。 insert(200); l.insert(2); l.insert(180); l.insert(135); l.insert(130); l.insert(1 ); l.insert(1); l.insert(200); l.display(); printf(" ******************* \ n"); l.DelNode(200); l.dplay(); system(PAUSE); 返回0; } { if(data<=cur->data) { if(cur->prev==NULL) { head=node; head->next=cur; cur->prev=head; } else { node->prev=cur->prev; node->next=cur; cur->prev->next=node; //??? } return; } else { cur=cur->next; } } if(cur->data<=data) { cur->next=node; node->prev=cur; } else { node->next=cur; node->prev=cur->prev; cur->prev->next=node; } } void DelNode(int da) { Node* cur=head; while(cur->next!=NULL) { if(cur->data==da) { if(cur->prev==NULL) { head=cur->next; delete cur; } else { cur->prev->next=cur->next; cur->next->prev=cur->prev; delete cur; } return; } else { cur=cur->next; } } if(cur->data==da) { cur->prev->next=NULL; delete cur; } } void display() { Node* cur=head; while(cur!=NULL) { printf("%d\n",cur->data); cur=cur->next; } } private: Node* head; };int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ List l; l.insert(10); l.insert(100); l.insert(150); l.insert(145); l.insert(200); l.insert(2); l.insert(180); l.insert(135); l.insert(130); l.insert(1); l.insert(1); l.insert(200); l.display(); printf("*******************\n"); l.DelNode(200); l.display(); system("PAUSE"); return 0;} 再见,JojoBye, Jojo 这篇关于无法编译双向链表的代码。的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!