本文介绍了构建和 ​​Virtualenv的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 buildout 和 virtualenv 的组合在 python 中设置一个隔离开发环境,允许进行可重复的构建.

I am messing around with the combination of buildout and virtualenv to setup an isolated development environment in python that allows to do reproducible builds.

有一个构建方法可以让您将 virtualenv 集成到构建中:

There is a recipe for buildout that let's you integrate virtualenv into buildout:


有了这个,我的 buildout.cfg 看起来像这样:

With this my buildout.cfg looks like this:

develop = .
parts = script

recipe = tl.buildout_virtual_python
headers = true
executable-name = vp
site-packages = false

recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = foo
python = virtualpython

这会将两个可执行文件部署到 ./bin/中:

This will deploy two executables into ./bin/:


当我执行 vp 时,我得到了一个交互式的、独立的 python 对话框,正如预期的那样(无法从系统加载任何包).我现在期望的是,如果我运行

When I execute vp, I get an interactive, isolated python dialog, as expected (can't load any packages from the system).What I would expect now, is that if I run



that the isolated python interpreter is used. But it doesn't, it's not isolated as "vp" is (meaning I can import libraries from system level). However I can run:

./bin/vp ./bin/script

这将按照我的意愿在隔离的环境中运行脚本.但是必须有一种方法可以在不链接命令的情况下指定这样做,否则 buildout 只能解决我希望的一半问题:)

Which will run the script in an isolated environment as I wished. But there must be a way to specify this to do so without chaining commands otherwise buildout only solves half of the problems I hoped :)


Thanks for your help!Patrick


你不需要 virtualenv:buildout 已经提供了一个隔离的环境,就像 virtualenv 一样.

You don't need virtualenv: buildout already provides an isolated environment, just like virtualenv.

举个例子,看看 buildout 在 bin 目录中生成的文件.他们会有类似的东西:

As an example, look at files buildout generates in the bin directory. They'll have something like:

import sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
     # and other things

因此 sys.path 被完全替换为构建想要在路径上拥有的内容:与 virtualenv 相同的隔离方法.

So the sys.path gets completely replaced with what buildout wants to have on the path: the same isolation method as virtualenv.

这篇关于构建和 ​​Virtualenv的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-09 11:56