


I am beginner to Joomla! development and have created a very simple module.


How do I create a form with 3 text fields and then save the entered values into a database table?




We will Post a user's first and last name to a table.

在数据库中创建一个表。注意它应该有前缀jos _

create a table in your database. Note it should have the prefix "jos_"


We will call this form, "names". So we will name our table "jos_names"

在PHPMyAdmin(或您使用的任何工具)的SQL行,执行此查询以创建一个新表: / p>

At the SQL line in PHPMyAdmin (or whatever tool you use..), do this query to create a new table:

CREATE TABLE `databasename`.`jos_names` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `firstname` VARCHAR(100), `lastname` VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY  (`id`) )


To simplify things, we will post the results to the same page.. Let's build the form:


/** post form to db module **/

// No direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

$fname = $_POST['fname'];
$lname = $_POST['lname'];
//--build the form------------>
<form name="names" id="names" action="<?php echo JURI::current(); ?>" method="post">
  <p><input type="text" name="fname" id="fname" value="" /></p>
  <p><input type="text" name="lname" id="lname" value="" /></p>
  <p><input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit Names" /></p>
//--END BUILD THE FORM--------|
if( (isset($lname)) || (isset($fname)) ) {
   //first name or last name set, continue-->
   $data =new stdClass();
   $data->id = NULL;
   $data->firstname = $fname;
   $data->lastname = $lname;

   $db = JFactory::getDBO();
   $db->insertObject('#__names', $data, id);

}  else {
  echo '<h4>One Field Is Required!</h4>';



That should do it. If you are writing a traditional Joomla module, this should be your helper.php file.


NOTES:Only include the "die" script once in a joomla document.. (defined( '_JEXEC' )..

JURI :: current()自动读取当前页面的URL,如果你在一个页面上调用echo JURI :: current(); url ,那么它将显示相同的链接。

JURI::current() automatically reads the current page URL. If you call echo JURI::current(); on a page with the url http://www.example.com/names, then it will display the same link.

重要的是,action =指向要发布此模块的确切网址。

It is important that the action="" points to the exact Url where you will publish this module.

此外,将数据发布到 SELF',但你是有限的一个模块,所以除非你构建一个组件或插件,你应该发布你的形式为'SELF'像这个例子。(JURI :: current();)

Furthermore, it is considered bad practice to post data to 'SELF', but you are kindof limited with a module, so unless you build a component or a plugin, you should post your form to 'SELF' as done with this example. (JURI::current();)

在Joomla框架中,没有必要声明您的数据库名称,用户名或密码,因为Joomla已经登录。因此,而不是查询 databasename 。 jos__tablename 在joomla中,您可以用以下命令替换查询: #__ tablename 。事实上,这是处理数据库查询和Joomla的最佳做法,因为用户不必使用默认的jos_前缀,joomla自动使用任何前缀替换#。在我的情况下,#equalsjos

When in the Joomla framework, it isn't necessary to declare your database name, username or password as Joomla is already "logged in".. So instead of querying databasename.jos__tablename, in joomla you can replace the query with this: #__tablename. In fact this is the best practice when dealing with db queries and Joomla because users do not have to use the default jos_ prefix, joomla automatically replaces "#" with whatever the prefix. In my case "#" equals "jos"

记住在查询sql创建表时,请确保替换 databasename 与您的数据库的实际名称。

Take note when querying the sql to create the table.. make sure you replace databasename with the actual name of your database..



If for some reason you are unable to post data:1) Make sure the form doesn't redirect to a different page when you click submit. If it does, change the form action"" to the absolute url to where this page is published.. then go from there.

2)有时$ data = new方法不工作。这取决于你如何设置你的模块,函数和类。

2) Sometimes the $data =new method doesn't work. This depends on how you set up your module, functions and classes.Here is an alternative:

$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "INSERT INTO `#__names` (`fname`, `lname`)
    VALUES ($fname, $lname);";
$db->setQuery( $query );


07-26 16:23