


I'm doing some asynchronous operations and I would like to use CancellationToken to stop an async task from running if the user for example requests this. In order to do so is it a good practice to have a Dictionary with which I can find the correct Thread in order to stop the correct operation? What I'm currently looking at is the following :

    public Dictionary<Thread, CancellationToken> CancellationTokenData;


Thus, if the user requests a cancellation on an operation it should behave correctly if I'm not wrong?


What are the best practices to do this?

例如,说用户使用线程{B}在数据库内部的集合{A}上执行了一些非常宽松的操作.然后,他取消了该操作,然后继续从另一个线程对集合{A}使用另一个冗长的操作.我应该为当前 CancellationToken 使用全局变量吗?

For example say that the user executes some very lenghty operation on a set {A} inside the database using a Thread {B}. Then he cancels the operation and goes and uses another lengthy operation on set {A} from another thread. Should I use a global variable for the current CancellationToken ?


通常,每个操作可以取消一个 CancellationTokenSource .您将CancellationTokenSource传递给可能需要取消操作( cts.Cancel())及其 CancellationToken ( cts.Token )的每个人给所有需要了解取消的人.

Usually, you have one CancellationTokenSource per operation that is cancellable. You pass the CancellationTokenSource to everybody who may need to cancel the operation (cts.Cancel()), and its CancellationToken (cts.Token) to everyone who needs to be aware of the cancellation.


At this level of abstraction, you do not stop threads; you stop operations. The threads are merely implementation details.


Therefore, I do not think it's a good idea to map tokens to threads. If tasks are involved, it is a very bad idea, because there is no guarantee that each task actually runs on a new thread.


10-29 05:39