推荐答案 7月30日上午11点31分,Anshul< anshul ... @ gmail.comwrote:On Jul 30, 11:31 am, Anshul <[email protected]: 如何从服务器端脚本 或除javascript之外的HTML检查当前工作浏览器。可以任何身体帮助。How can I check the current working browser from server side scriptingor from HTML other than javascript. Can any body help. 你为什么要问如何使用任何其他技术做某事 JavaScript ...在关于JavaScript的新闻组中?! 并查看浏览器的内容? - David Dorward http://dorward.me.uk/ http://blog.dorward.me.uk/ 7月30日下午3:43,David Dorward< dorw ... @ gmail.comwrote:On Jul 30, 3:43 pm, David Dorward <[email protected]: 7月30日上午11点31分,Anshul< anshul ... @ gmail.comwrote:On Jul 30, 11:31 am, Anshul <[email protected]: 如何从服务器端脚本检查当前工作浏览器 或HTML以外的HTML JavaScript的。可以任何身体帮助。 How can I check the current working browser from server side scripting or from HTML other than javascript. Can any body help. 你为什么要问如何使用任何其他技术做某事 JavaScript ...在关于JavaScript的新闻组中?! 并查看浏览器的内容? - David Dorwardhttp://dorward.me.uk/ http://blog.dorward.me.uk/Why are you asking how to do something using any technique other thenJavaScript ... in a newsgroup about JavaScript?!And check the browser for what?--David Dorwardhttp://dorward.me.uk/http://blog.dorward.me.uk/ 我需要这个,因为mozilla可以选择禁用javascript。如果某人 禁用javascript那么该网站也应该继续在某种程度上因此 II可以获得解决方案它会非常棒。 谢谢I need that as mozilla has option to disable javascript. If someonedisable javascript then too the site should go on to some extent henceI I could get the solution it will be very greatful.Thanks Anshul kirjoitti:Anshul kirjoitti: 7月30日,3:43下午,David Dorward< dorw ... @ gmail.comwrote:On Jul 30, 3:43 pm, David Dorward <[email protected]: > 7月30日上午11点31分,Anshul< anshul ... @ gmail.com写道:>On Jul 30, 11:31 am, Anshul <[email protected]: >>如何从服务器端脚本中检查当前正在运行的浏览器,或者从javascript以外的HTML检查。可以任何身体帮助。>>How can I check the current working browser from server side scriptingor from HTML other than javascript. Can any body help. 你为什么要问如何使用任何其他技术做什么呢? JavaScript ...在关于JavaScript的新闻组中?! 并检查什么的浏览器?Why are you asking how to do something using any technique other thenJavaScript ... in a newsgroup about JavaScript?!And check the browser for what? 我需要它,因为mozilla有禁用javascript的选项。如果有人 禁用javascript那么网站也应该继续在某种程度上因此 我能得到解决方案它会非常棒。I need that as mozilla has option to disable javascript. If someonedisable javascript then too the site should go on to some extent henceI I could get the solution it will be very greatful. 所有主流浏览器都能够禁用Javascript,IE6 / 7,Mozilla 基于的浏览器,Opera等。 没有任何可行的方法来检测浏览器版本,而不是在客户端 和服务器端。客户端通常用JS制作并查询知道 功能或缺少它们。在服务器端没有什么可做的。 HTTP标头(用户代理字符串)可能包含或可能不包含某些内容 可用,但它不可靠并且不可用这个NG的范围... 为什么不坚持非常可靠的< noscript>< / noscript> 方法并且发布不错消息给最终用户启用JS或切换到支持JS的浏览器? - Jani TiainenAll major browsers have ability to disable Javascript, IE6/7, Mozillabased ones, Opera etc.There is not any realiable way to detect browser version, not in clientnor server side. Client side is usually made with JS and querying knowfeatures or absence of them. On server side there nothing much to do.HTTP headers (user agent string) might, or might not contain somethingusable, but it''s not reliable and out of scope in this NG...Why just not to stick with very much reliable <noscript></noscript>method and post nice message to end user to enable JS or switch tobrowser that supports JS?--Jani Tiainen 这篇关于从服务器端编程检查浏览器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-14 21:42