


I am trying to create cross platform / platform independent executables for my JAVA-9 application / project jigsaw.


I think jlink command will create only platform specific executable/runtime.


JLink (由 JEP 282 覆盖)创建模块化运行时映像(由 JEP 220 ,特别是新运行时图像结构部分).这些映像是JRE,JDK和紧凑配置文件的概括,并且像OS一样是特定于操作系统的.因此,不能使用JLink创建跨平台的可执行文件.

JLink (covered by JEP 282) creates modular runtime images (covered by JEP 220, particularly the section New run-time image structure). These images are a generalization of JRE, JDK, and compact profiles and are OS specific like they are. JLink can hence not be used to create cross-platform executables.

也就是说,可以在一个操作系统上运行JLink并为一个不同的操作系统创建一个运行时映像.为此,您要做的就是下载并解压缩JDK 9(与JLink的版本相同),并将其jmods文件夹放在JLink调用的模块路径上.

That said, it is possible to run JLink on one operating system and create a runtime image for a different OS. All you have to do for that is to download and unpack a JDK 9 (same version as the one JLink comes from) for that and put its jmods folder on the module path for the JLink call.


07-16 14:10