


I am trying to track clicks on an external link (without using a "redirect page").


How can I capture an event when a user follows a link, regardless of whether the user:

  1. 左键点击链接

  2. 右键点击链接并在新窗口中打开

  3. 使用键盘激活链接

  4. 还有其他方法可以激活链接吗?

  1. Left clicks on the link
  2. Right clicks on the link and open it in a new window
  3. Use the keyboard to activate the link
  4. Is there other ways to activate a link?


The onClick event only applies to the first.

如果设置 href =javascript:fireEventAndFollowLink()用户将无法在新窗口中打开链接(2),因此这不是解决方案。

If setting href="javascript:fireEventAndFollowLink()" the user will not be able to open the link in a new window (2), so this is not a sollution.



A link can be triggered in some ways (assuming modern browsers, see foot note):

  1. 左键单击

    • 对于< a target =_ blank> < a target =_ new> ,该页面将加载到新标签。

    • 当用户按时,页面将加载到新标签页。

    • 当用户按时,页面将加载到新窗口。

    • 其他目标值,该链接可以加载到当前屏幕或另一个框架。

  1. Left click
    • For <a target="_blank"> or <a target="_new">, the page will be loaded in a new tab.
    • When the user presses , the page will be loaded in a new tab.
    • When the user presses , the page will be loaded in a new window.
    • For other target values, the link can be loaded in the current screen or another frame.

  • 无论修改键如何,页面都将加载到新标签中。

  • 选择在新窗口中打开链接(选项卡,窗口)时,页面将加载到新选项卡窗口中。

  • 当没有选择任何这些时,没有任何加载

  • Contextmenu(参见3.)

  • - 参见1.

  • Contextmenu (see 3.)
  • - See 1.



How to capture these links
There is no reliable way to capture all link events.

  • onmouseup 事件可用于检测1,2和3.

    可以通过 event.button 属性。在所有非IE浏览器中,0 =左,1 =中,2 =右。在IE中,1 =左,2 =中,4 =右。

  • onclick 事件可用于捕获1和2 。

    可以通过 event.altKey event.shiftKey 检测修饰键。属性。

  • oncontextmenu 事件可用于捕获3

  • onkeydown 事件可用于捕获4。

  • The onmouseup event can be used to detect 1, 2, and 3.
    The used button can be tracked through the event.button (or event.which) property. In all non-IE browsers, 0=Left, 1=Middle, 2=Right. In IE, 1=Left, 2=Middle, 4=Right.
  • The onclick event can be used to capture 1 and 2.
    The modifier key can be detected through the event.altKey and event.shiftKey properties.
  • The oncontextmenu event can be used to capture 3
  • The onkeydown event can be used to capture 4.


- 如何拦截链接上的动作(< a> )?

Related question - How to intercept an action on a link (<a>)?


09-05 09:22