I don't find the encoding of current file, how to display it?
You can see there are some Chinese characters in the file, but I don't know what the encoding it is.
有没有办法让它始终在emacs GUI上显示?
Is there any way to let it always show on the emacs GUI?
您可以在模式行中用 U
You can see with the U
in the mode-line that your buffer is in Unicode, if you put the mouse over it it will show in a tooltip the current buffer encoding.
- 您可以使用
- 您可以使用 $ li $更改下一次保存的整个缓冲区编码b
- 您还可以更改检测到的编码以强制使用另一种编码,并使用 重新加载文件 bd> RET
- 您只能使用
- 还有其他可能,请查看
- 如果文件混合编码混乱,您可以使用
Mx recode修复部分
- 如果您想自己进行诊断:
- 您可以使用
- 打开文本文件而无需任何解码或启发式操作,也可以更接近金属(十六进制编辑器)和
Mx hexl-find-file
- you can see the current encoding with
- you can change the whole buffer encoding for next save with
- you can also change the detected encoding to force an other one and reload the file with
- you can set an encoding for the next I/O command only with
- there are some other possibilities, take a look on
- if the file is a mess with mixed encodings, you can fix portions with
M-x recode-region
- if you want to make a diagnostic by yourself:
- you can open a text file without any decoding or heuristic with
M-x find-file-literally
- or you can go closer to the metal (hex editor) with
M-x hexl-find-file
在缓冲区内,如果您对字符编码/细节感兴趣,请将其放在中文字符上,然后 会有所帮助。 (不带的内容仅显示有关该字符的一些信息,并且编码不属于该字符。)
Inside a buffer, if you are interested by a character encoding / details, put the point on a chinese char and will help. (The same without the shows only a few informations about the character, and the encoding is not part of it.)
- you can open a text file without any decoding or heuristic with
- 您可以使用