


I am writing a shell script which performs a task periodically and on receiving a USR1 signal from another process.



trap 'echo "doing some work"' SIGUSR1

while :
    sleep 10 && echo "doing some work" &
    wait $!

但是,此脚本的问题是睡眠过程在后台继续,并且仅在其超时时终止.(请注意,当在等待$!期间接收到USR1时,睡眠过程会延迟其常规超时,但确实会取消定期回声.)例如,您可以使用 pkill -0查看计算机上的睡眠过程数.-c sleep .

However, this script has the problem that the sleep process continues in the background and only dies on its timeout. (note that when USR1 is received during wait $!, the sleep process lingers for its regular timeout, but the periodic echo indeed gets cancelled.) You can for example see the number of sleep processes on your machine using pkill -0 -c sleep.


I read this page, which suggests killing the lingering sleep in the trap action, e.g.


trap '[[ $pid ]] && kill $pid; echo "doing some work"' SIGUSR1

while :
    sleep 10 && echo "doing some work" &
    wait $pid


However this script has a race condition if we spam our USR1 signal fast e.g. with:

pkill -USR1 trap-test.sh; pkill -USR1 trap-test.sh


then it will try to kill a PID which was already killed and print an error. Not to mention, I do not like this code.


Is there a better way to reliably kill the forked process when interrupted? Or an alternative structure to achieve the same functionality?


由于后台作业是前台作业的一个分支,因此它们共享相同的名称( trap-test.sh );因此 pkill 会同时匹配并发出信号.这以不确定的顺序杀死了后台进程(使 sleep 保持活动,如下所述)并触发了前一个陷阱,从而导致了竞争状况.

As the background job is a fork of the foreground one, they share the same name (trap-test.sh); so pkill matches and signals both. This, in an uncertain order, kills the background process (leaving sleep alive, explained below) and triggers the trap in the foreground one, hence the race condition.

此外,在您链接的示例中,后台作业始终仅是 sleep x ,但是在您的脚本中是 sleep 10&&回声做一些工作" ;这需要分叉的子外壳等待 sleep 终止并有条件地执行 echo .比较这两个:

Besides, in the examples you linked, the background job is always a mere sleep x, but in your script it is sleep 10 && echo 'doing some work'; which requires the forked subshell to wait sleep to terminate and conditionally execute echo. Compare these two:

$ sleep 10 &
[1] 9401
$ pstree 9401
$ sleep 10 && echo foo &
[2] 9410
$ pstree 9410


So let's start from scratch and reproduce the principal issue in a terminal.

$ set +m
$ sleep 100 && echo 'doing some work' &
[1] 9923
$ pstree -pg $$
$ kill $!
$ pgrep sleep
$ pkill -e sleep
sleep killed (pid 9924)


I disabled job control to partly emulate a non-interactive shell's behavior.

杀死后台作业并没有杀死 sleep ,我需要手动终止它.发生这种情况是因为发送给进程的信号不会自动广播给目标的子进程.即 sleep 根本没有收到TERM信号.

Killing the background job didn't kill sleep, I needed to terminate it manually. This happened because a signal sent to a process is not automatically broadcast to its target's children; i.e. sleep didn't receive the TERM signal at all.

要杀死 sleep 以及子外壳,我需要将后台作业放入一个单独的进程组-这需要启用作业控制,否则所有作业如上面的 pstree 的输出所示,将它们放入主外壳程序的进程组中,并向其发送TERM信号,如下所示.

To kill sleep as well as the subshell, I need to put the background job into a separate process group —which requires job control to be enabled, otherwise all jobs are put into the main shell's process group as seen in pstree's output above—, and send the TERM signal to it, as shown below.

$ set -m
$ sleep 100 && echo 'doing some work' &
[1] 10058
$ pstree -pg $$
$ kill -- -$!
[1]+  Terminated              sleep 100 && echo 'doing some work'
$ pgrep sleep


With some refinement and adaptation of this concept, your script looks like:

#!/bin/bash -
set -m

usr1_handler() {
  kill -- -$!
  echo 'doing some work'

do_something() {
  trap '' USR1
  sleep 10 && echo 'doing some work'

trap usr1_handler USR1 EXIT

echo "my PID is $$"

while true; do
  do_something &

这将打印我的PID是xxx (其中 xxx 是前台进程的PID)并开始循环.向 xxx (即 kill -USR1 xxx )发送USR1信号将触发陷阱,并导致后台进程及其子进程终止.因此, wait 将返回并且循环将继续.

This will print my PID is xxx (where xxx is the PID of foreground process) and start looping. Sending a USR1 signal to xxx (i.e kill -USR1 xxx) will trigger the trap and cause the background process and its children to terminate. Thus wait will return and the loop will continue.

如果使用 pkill 代替,它将仍然起作用,因为后台进程会忽略USR1.

If you use pkill instead it'll work anyway, as the background process ignores USR1.


For further information, see:

  • Bash Reference Manual § Special Parameters ($$ and $!),
  • POSIX kill specification (-$! usage),
  • POSIX Definitions § Job Control (how job control is implemented in POSIX shells),
  • Bash Reference Manual § Job Control Basics (how job control works in bash),
  • POSIX Shell Command Language § Signals And Error Handling,
  • POSIX wait specification.


08-20 06:03