


Almoust all my documents include 2 fields, start timestamp and finish timestamp. And in each my query I need to get elements which is in selected period of time. so start should be after selected value and final should be before selected timestamp.


db.collection.find({start:{$gt:DateTime(...)}, final:{$lt:DateTime(...)}})


So what the best indexing strategy for that scenario?

顺便说一句,这对性能更好 - 将日期存储为日期时间或unix时间戳,这是长值本身

By the way, which is better for performance - to store date as datetimes or as unix timestamps, which is long value itself


baloo 的答案中添加更多内容。

Too add a little more to baloo's answer.

关于时间戳与长期问题。通常,MongoDB服务器不会看到差异。 BSON编码长度相同(64位)。根据驱动程序的编码,您可能会在客户端看到不同的性能。例如,在Java端使用10gen驱动程序时,时间戳呈现为 Date ,其重量远远小于 Long 。有试图避免这种开销。

On the time-stamp vs. long issue. Generally the MongoDB server will not see a difference. The BSON encoding length is the same (64 bits). You may see a performance different on the client side depending on the driver's encoding. As an example, on the Java side a using the 10gen driver a time-stamp is rendered as Date that is a lot heavier than Long. There are drivers that try to avoid that overhead.

另一个问题是,如果关闭索引的第一个字段的范围,您将看到性能改进。因此,如果您使用 baloo 建议的索引:

The other issue is that you will see a performance improvement if you close the range for the first field of the index. So if you use the index suggested by baloo:

db.collection.ensureIndex({start: 1, final: 1})


You query will perform (potentially much) better if you query is:


从概念上讲,如果将索引视为树,则闭合范围会限制树的两侧而不是仅限于一侧。如果没有封闭范围,服务器必须检查所有条目,其中 start 大于提供的时间戳,因为它不知道<$ c $之间的关系c>开始和最终

Conceptually, if you think of the indexes as a a tree the closed range limits both sides of the tree instead of just one side. Without the closed range the server has to "check" all of the entries with a start greater than the time stamp provided since it does not know of the relation between start and final.


You may even find that that the query performance is no better using a single field index like:

db.collection.ensureIndex({start: 1})


Most of the savings is from the first field's pruning. The case where this will not be the case is when the query is covered by the index or the ordering/sort for the results can be derived from the index.

HTH - Rob。

HTH - Rob.


08-03 22:55