On Tumblr, I am trying to make a landing page with, for example, an "Enter" button that brings the user to the home page. I found the following code that redirects the site to a /welcome page, which I placed in the index page.
<script type="text/javascript">
if(location.href == 'http://ihadcats.tumblr.com/') location.replace('http://ihadcats.tumblr.com/welcome');;
当然,在欢迎页面上,按< a href =http://ihadcats.tumblr.com
Of course, on the 'welcome' page, when you press <a href="http://ihadcats.tumblr.com"
it just loops back to the welcome page.
我创建了一个自定义页面'/ home',用来代替索引页面。我将正常的索引代码放入一个单独的'/ home'页面,但代码不会呈现。它显示,例如{Title}而不是实际的标题。
I created a custom page '/home', to use instead of the index page. I placed the normal index code into a separate '/home' page, but the code doesn't render. It displays, for example "{Title}" instead of the actual title.
当加载索引页面时,Tumblr会使用很多自己的脚本。加载'/ home'页面时,没有加载Tumblr的脚本。虽然两个页面中的代码完全相同。任何想法?
When the Index page is loaded, Tumblr bakes in a lot of its own scripts. When the '/home' page is loaded, none of Tumblr's scripts are loaded. Though the code in both pages is exactly the same. Any ideas?
Tumblr variables and blocks don't render on custom pages, only in the main theme code. Basically it doesn't see them as special key words or anything it just sees them as a normal webpage would see them.
至于制作登陆页面,你可以标记每一个发布你使用像'x'这样的任意标签,然后让你的索引页面成为登陆页面,然后将所有代码包装在 {block:TagPage}
{/ block:TagPage}
As for making a landing page you can tag every post you make with some arbitrary tag like 'x' and then make your index page a landing page and then wrap all your code in {block:TagPage}
so that the theme code only displays on tag pages (and you would code permalink pages like normal).
Alternatively you could do as suggested above and make a welcome 'popup' of sorts.