几周前,我在 SO 上发布了有关如何在 python 中锁定 sqlite3 数据库的问题:
A few weeks ago, I posted this question on SO regarding how to lock a sqlite3 database in python:
However, I'm not quite convinced that the answer works. Or, maybe I'm just misunderstanding the answer.
- 我有一个数据库测试"
- 在数据库test"中有一个表book"
- 在book"表中有两列:title"和checked_out_by"
Then I have a function that works like this:
def checkout(title, user):
con = get_connection_from_db()
with con:
checked_out_by = get_checked_out_by(title)
if checked_out_by == '': # If NOT checked out:
checkout(title, user)
print user, "checked out", title
elif checked_out_by == 'user':
print user, "already got it"
print user, "can't check it out because", checked_out_by, "has it!"
所以 checkout() 函数首先验证这本书没有被签出,如果是,则签出这本书.请注意,我使用了推荐的with con:"技巧来确保一切都是事务性的、愉快的和共情的.
So the checkout() function first verifies that the book is NOT checked out, and, if so, checks out the book. Note that I'm using the recommended "with con:" trick to ensure that everything is transactional and happy and copacetic.
However, I ran a bunch of concurrency tests and found problems. Specifically, when I run the two following calls concurrently:
checkout('foo', 'steve')
checkout('foo', 'tim')
The output indicates that it doesn't work quite right. I expect to see one of the two following possible outputs:
steve checked out foo
tim can't check it out because steve has it!
tim checked out foo
steve can't check it out because tim has it!
But occasionally, I'll get this output:
tim checked out foo
steve checked out foo
我认为with con:"技巧可以确保我的数据库调用捆绑在一起.有人可以向我解释我是否/是如何弄错的吗?如果是这样,有没有办法让这个工作?
I thought the 'with con:' trick would ensure that my DB calls would be bundled together. Can someone explain to me if/how I got this wrong? If so, is there a way to make this work?
'with con' 不是这里想要的.(或者这个线程锁垃圾)
'with con' is NOT what is wanted here. (or this thread locking rubbish)
To get exclusive access for a specific period (not just while an individual query/trasaction is taking place) you need to do;
con = sqlite3.connect()
con.isolation_level = 'EXCLUSIVE'
con.execute('BEGIN EXCLUSIVE')
#exclusive access starts here. Nothing else can r/w the db, do your magic here.
Hopefully this saves someone from the searching/experimenting i've just been through!
请记住,在您运行 begin exclusive 之前它不是独占的,并且在您关闭(或运行 commit,我认为)之前它将保持独占.如果您不确定,您可以随时使用 python 解释器/CL sqlite3 应用程序进行测试.
Remember it's not exclusive until you run begin exclusive, and it will stay exclusive until you close (or run commit, i think). You can always test w/ the python interpreter / CL sqlite3 app if you aren't sure.
这篇关于在 Python 中锁定 sqlite3 数据库(重新要求澄清)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!