本文介绍了应用程序在Android市场 - HTTP通知不来的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



PREAMBLE: the question is wildly obsolete. There's no more Google Checkout, no more Checkout API, and no more notification settings in Wallet Console.

我对Android Market的付费应用程序。我已经成立了谷歌结帐设置一个HTTPS URL的通知。然而,通知不来了。

I have a paid app on Android Market. I've set up an HTTPS notification URL in Google Checkout settings. Yet notifications don't come.


My Google Checkout settings under Integration go like this:

  • 在我公司将只贴数字签名的车 - 检查
  • 在API回调网址 - 提供,这是HTTPS,它是有效的
  • 在通知为XML - 检查
  • 在API版本 - 2.5
  • 通知过滤 - 检查

请,我究竟做错了什么?是否在所有支持Android Market的实时订单通知?如果是这样,是有这些设置一个单独的用户界面?

Please, what am I doing wrong? Are realtime order notifications supported for Android Market at all? If so, is there a separate UI for setting those up?


any data points would be welcome. If you sell stuff on the Market and do get those HTTP notifications, let's compare the setups.

EDIT2:认真考虑我的谷歌Checkout帐户的定时轮询。 :(

seriously considering timed polling of my Google Checkout account. :(

EDIT3:联系谷歌Checkout支援。一个多星期没有实质性的回应。 :((在光明的一面,有可能获取一个人的谷歌结帐的订单列表,日期和状态过滤功能,以获取订单详细信息...

contacted Google Checkout support. No substantial response for over a week. :(( On the brighter side, it is possible to retrieve the list of one's Google Checkout orders, with date and state filtering. On to retrieving order details...



The support rep told me it's by design, I should implement account polling with notification history API.


Specifically: https://developers.google.com/checkout/developer/Google_Checkout_XML_API_Order_Report_API describes how to get the list of orders in given state


https://developers.google.com/checkout/developer/Google_Checkout_XML_API_Notification_History_API lets you retrieve order details (getting just the "new order" notification is sufficient in my case).


you cannot use some parts of the Google Checkout API with Android Market orders (like marking as archived).


This is not documented. Related question here.

这篇关于应用程序在Android市场 - HTTP通知不来的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 10:51