我已经得到了控制哪些Web应用程序获得服务从我们的负载均衡器的流量的Web应用程序。 Web应用程序运行的每个单独的服务器上。
I've got a web application that controls which web applications get served traffic from our load balancer. The web application runs on each individual server.
它跟踪了或退出状态的在ASP.NET应用程序状态的对象每个应用程序,并且每当状态改变的对象是序列化到磁盘上的文件。 Web应用程序启动时的状态是从文件反序列化。
It keeps track of the "in or out" state for each application in an object in the ASP.NET application state, and the object is serialized to a file on the disk whenever the state is changed. The state is deserialized from the file when the web application starts.
While the site itself only gets a couple requests a second tops, and the file it rarely accessed, I've found that it was extremely easy for some reason to get collisions while attempting to read from or write to the file. This mechanism needs to be extremely reliable, because we have an automated system that regularly does rolling deployments to the server.
Before anyone makes any comments questioning the prudence of any of the above, allow me to simply say that explaining the reasoning behind it would make this post much longer than it already is, so I'd like to avoid moving mountains.
That said, the code that I use to control access to the file looks like this:
internal static Mutex _lock = null;
/// <summary>Executes the specified <see cref="Func{FileStream, Object}" /> delegate on the filesystem copy of the <see cref="ServerState" />.
/// The work done on the file is wrapped in a lock statement to ensure there are no locking collisions caused by attempting to save and load
/// the file simultaneously from separate requests.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The logic to be executed on the <see cref="ServerState" /> file.</param>
/// <returns>An object containing any result data returned by <param name="func" />.</returns>
private static Boolean InvokeOnFile(Func<FileStream, Object> func, out Object result)
var l = new Logger();
if (ServerState._lock.WaitOne(1500, false))
l.LogInformation("Got lock to read/write file-based server state.", (Int32)VipEvent.GotStateLock);
var fileStream = File.Open(ServerState.PATH, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
result = func.Invoke(fileStream);
fileStream = null;
l.LogInformation("Released state file lock.", (Int32)VipEvent.ReleasedStateLock);
return true;
l.LogWarning("Could not get a lock to access the file-based server state.", (Int32)VipEvent.CouldNotGetStateLock);
result = null;
return false;
此的一般的工作,但偶尔我无法访问互斥(我看到在日志中的无法得到锁事件)。我无法在本地重现此 - 它只是发生在我的生产服务器(赢服务器2K3 / IIS 6)。如果我删除了超时,应用程序无限期挂起(竞争状态?),其中包括在后续请求。
This usually works, but occasionally I cannot get access to the mutex (I see the "Could not get a lock" event in the log). I cannot reproduce this locally - it only happens on my production servers (Win Server 2k3/IIS 6). If I remove the timeout, the application hangs indefinitely (race condition??), including on subsequent requests.
When I do get the errors, looking at the event log tells me that the mutex lock was achieved and released by the previous request before the error was logged.
The mutex is instantiated in the Application_Start event. I get the same results when it is instantiated statically in the declaration.
Excuses, excuses: threading/locking is not my forté, as I generally don't have to worry about it.
Any suggestions as to why it randomly would fail to get a signal?
我添加适当的错误处理(多么尴尬!),但我仍然得到同样的错误 - 并记录在案,未处理的异常从来不是问题。
I've added proper error handling (how embarrassing!), but I am still getting the same errors - and for the record, unhandled exceptions were never the problem.
只有一个进程将永远是访问文件 - 我不使用Web园为这个应用程序的Web池,并没有其他应用程序使用的文件。我能想到的唯一的例外是当应用程序池回收,并创建新的之一,当旧的WP仍然是开放的 - 但我可以从看任务管理器,虽然只有一个工作进程出现问题告诉我们。
Only one process would ever be accessing the file - I don't use a web garden for this application's web pool, and no other applications use the file. The only exception I can think of would be when the app pool recycles, and the old WP is still open when the new one is created - but I can tell from watching the task manager that the issue occurs while there is only one worker process.
@mmr:如何使用监控使用互斥有什么不同?根据MSDN文档上,它看起来是有效地做同样的事情 - 如果我不能用我的互斥获得锁,它的确实的只需返回false失败摆好
@mmr: How is using Monitor any different from using a Mutex? Based on the MSDN documentation, it looks like it is effectively doing the same thing - if and I can't get the lock with my Mutex, it does fail gracefully by just returning false.
另外一点需要注意的:我有这些问题似乎是完全随机的 - 如果它失败的一个请求,它可能做工精细的下一个。似乎没有成为一个模式,或者(肯定没隔,至少)。
Another thing to note: The issues I'm having seem to be completely random - if it fails on one request, it might work fine on the next. There doesn't seem to be a pattern, either (certainly no every other, at least).
This lock is not used for any other call. The only time _lock is referenced outside the InvokeOnFile method is when it is instantiated.
The Func that is invoked is either reading from the file and deserializing into an object, or serializing an object and writing it to the file. Neither operation is done on a separate thread.
ServerState.PATH is a static readonly field, which I don't expect would cause any concurrency problems.
I'd also like to re-iterate my earlier point that I cannot reproduce this locally (in Cassini).
- 使用正确的错误处理(废话!)
- 使用了合适的工具(并有该工具如何做什么/一个基本的了解)。三宝指出,使用互斥显然有很大的开销,这是导致我的应用程序的问题,而监视器用于.NET专门设计的。
专门为.NET Framework
If you need to support inter-process locking you need a Global mutex.
The pattern being used is incredibly fragile, there is no exception handling and you are not ensuring that your Mutex is released. That is really risky code and most likely the reason you see these hangs when there is no timeout.
Also, if your file operation ever takes longer than 1.5 seconds then there is a chance concurrent Mutexes will not be able to grab it. I would recommend getting the locking right and avoiding the timeout.
I think its best to re-write this to use a lock. Also, it looks like you are calling out to another method, if this take forever, the lock will be held forever. That's pretty risky.
// if you want timeout support use
// try{var success=Monitor.TryEnter(m_syncObj, 2000);}
// finally{Monitor.Exit(m_syncObj)}
l.LogInformation("Got lock to read/write file-based server state.", (Int32)VipEvent.GotStateLock);
using (var fileStream = File.Open(ServerState.PATH, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None))
// the line below is risky, what will happen if the call to invoke
// never returns?
result = func.Invoke(fileStream);
l.LogInformation("Released state file lock.", (Int32)VipEvent.ReleasedStateLock);
return true;
// note exceptions may leak out of this method. either handle them here.
// or in the calling method.
// For example the file access may fail of func.Invoke may fail
这篇关于C# - 锁定与互斥问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!