

是否可以在Notepad ++中删除重复的行,而只留下一行?

Is it possible to remove duplicated rows in Notepad++, leaving only a single occurrence of a line?


如果要按行排序并同时删除重复的行,Notepad ++可以执行此操作.

您将需要TextFX插件.以前曾包含在Notepad ++的较早版本中,但是如果您有较新的版本,则可以从菜单中通过添加到Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available tab -> TextFX -> Install来添加它.在某些情况下,它也可以称为TextFX Characters,但这是同一件事

You will need the TextFX plugin. This used to be included in older versions of Notepad++, but if you have a newer version, you can add it from the menu by going to Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available tab -> TextFX -> Install. In some cases it may also be called TextFX Characters, but this is the same thing

所需的复选框和按钮现在将显示在菜单中:TextFX -> TextFX Tools.

The check boxes and buttons required will now appear in the menu under: TextFX -> TextFX Tools.

确保选中仅排序输出唯一...".接下来,选择一个文本块( + 以选择整个文档).最后,点击区分大小写的行"或区分大小写的行"

Make sure "sort outputs only unique..." is checked. Next, select a block of text (+ to select the entire document). Finally, click "sort lines case sensitive" or "sort lines case insensitive"


06-12 12:23