本文介绍了Sublime Text 3 Emmet触发冲突?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚开始使用Sublime Text 3测试版。非常喜欢。

I just started using Sublime Text 3 beta. Love it so much.


And I love using Emmet while coding.

但有一件事让我恼火每当我编辑CSS例如,代码建议中断,所以我的触发键(这是Tab键)将不工作。 (我必须按Enter键。)

But there's one thing annoys me that whenever I am editing CSS for example, code suggest interrupts so my trigger key(which is Tab key) won't work. (I have to hit Enter key instead).


Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

img src =https://i.stack.imgur.com/CKQqN.pngalt =enter image description here>


Emmet实时解析缩写,但Sublime Text不提供API来正确覆盖本机片段。

Emmet parses abbreviations in real time but Sublime Text does not provide API to correctly override native snippets. So there are might be some quirks when expanding abbreviations by Tab key.

您可能需要停用 disable_tab_abbreviations_on_auto_complete 偏好设定,才能使用Tab键扩充缩图为Emmet专用的Tab键:

You may want to disable disable_tab_abbreviations_on_auto_complete preference to make Tab key exclusive for Emmet: https://github.com/sergeche/emmet-sublime/blob/master/Preferences.sublime-settings#L29


But you will not be able to use native snippets in HTML and CSS anymore.

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09-12 00:20