本文介绍了是否可以更改 Emmet 中的默认 lorem ipsum?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所有这些伟大的lorem ipsum变体都在四处飘荡,但我绝对不会去复制和手动将它们粘贴到 Sublime Text 2 中.我就是太喜欢 Emmet (lorem100) 的捷径了.

There are all these great lorem ipsum variations floating around, but no way in hell am I about to go copy and paste them into Sublime Text 2 by hand. I just love Emmet's (lorem100) shortcut too much.

有人知道如何将默认 ipsum 更改为这些自定义 ipsum 之一,以便 Emmet 为我插入吗?

Anyone know how to change the default ipsum to one of these custom ones so Emmet will insert it for me?


您可以将自己的 Lorem Ipsum 文本添加到 Emmet:您应该将自己的虚拟词注册为新语言.

You can add your own Lorem Ipsum text into Emmet: you should register your own dummy words as a new language.

要向 Lorem Ipsum 添加新语言,请在 extensions 文件夹中创建一个 JS 文件 具有以下内容:

To add a new language to Lorem Ipsum, create a JS-file in extensions folder with the following content:

emmet.require('lorem').addLang('my', 'collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks')


The first argument is a language name (it must be a two-letter word), the second argument are space-separated words that will be used to generate a dummy text.


您还可以将虚拟文本语言设置为默认语言:只需覆盖 lorem.defaultLang 设置="nofollow noreferrer">preferences.json,例如将其设置为 "lorem.defaultLang": "my" 这样您就可以简单地编写 lorem100.

You can also set your dummy text language as default one: simply override lorem.defaultLang setting in preferences.json, e.g. set it as "lorem.defaultLang": "my" so you can simply write lorem100.

这篇关于是否可以更改 Emmet 中的默认 lorem ipsum?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-12 12:20