

在使用 WPF 选项卡控件时,是否可以指定键盘快捷键以在控件中的选项卡之间移动?

In using WPF tab controls, is there a way to assign a keyboard shortcut to move between tabs in the control?

或者,是否可以以这样的方式分配 tabIndex ,当用户到达第一个选项卡中的最后一个字段并再次点击键盘 Tab 键时,下一个选项卡中的第一个控件获得焦点?

Or, is it possible to assign the tabIndex in such a way that when the user reaches the last field in the first tab and hits keyboard tab key again, that the first control in the next tab gains focus?


已经有一个键盘快捷键:Ctrl+Tab(Ctrl+Shift+Tab 反转)

There already is a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Tab (Ctrl+Shift+Tab for reverse)

如果要添加其他快捷方式,可以添加 KeyBindingTabControl.InputBindings,您可能需要创建自己进行切换的命令.

If you want to add additional shortcuts you can add a KeyBinding to the TabControl.InputBindings, you may need to create the command which does the switching yourself though.


09-03 00:51