


I've been implementing a small program that executes a given command using execvp(). It works fine when not using redirection, but when I run a command such as:

cat file1.txt > redirected.txt


cat outputs the following error messages and fails:

cat: >: No such file or directory
cat: redirected.txt: No such file or directory


I've done some digging around and I'm starting to think that perhaps execvp() isn't allowed to do redirection because it doesn't run in the shell. Does that mean that I would have to manually pick out when redirection occurs and use pipes in my fork/exec code to get around this restriction? Is there a better way than to use execvp()?



您的执行给定命令的小程序"实质上是一个外壳.由于您正在编写外壳程序,因此您可以根据需要使用任何语法来实现重定向. >重定向运算符不是内核的功能,它是Shell的功能.

Your "small program that executes a given command" is essentially a shell. Since you are writing a shell, it is your job to implement redirections with whatever syntax you desire. The > redirection operator is not a feature of the kernel, it is a shell feature.

要实现sh样式的重定向,必须分析命令,找到重定向操作符,打开文件并将它们分配给输入/输出描述符.必须在调用execvp之前 完成.查找dup2系统调用.

To implement sh-style redirection, you must parse the command, locate the redirection operators, open the files and assign them to input/output descriptors. This must be done before calling execvp. Look up the dup2 system call.


09-05 18:20